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Goatman Spearthrower

493 bytes removed, 00:34, 12 June 2012
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They are [[Beasts]].
<br><br>==Diablo III Monster==<div style="clear:both;"></div>{{Monsterbox|game= Diablo III|portrait= Goatman Spearthrower.jpg<!--|portrait-width= 200px--><!--|name= Monstername-->|classif= Beasts|family= Khazra|role= Ranged Support|life= Unknown|mana= None|armor= Unknown|resist= Unknown|armament= Throwing Spears|dps= Unknown|dmg_low= Unknown|dmg_high= Unknown|range= [[Ranged]]|speed= Medium|movement= Medium|modifier= None|spells= None|found= [[Leoric Highlands]]}}[[Image:Goatman comparison.jpg|150px|left|thumb|The difference between Goatmen isn't very big.]]The only named type of Goatman Spearthrower we've seen thus far are [[Moon Clan]] Spearthrower, but it's all but certain there will be a variety of different goat clans in [[Diablo III]], as there were in the earlier games in the series.