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Template:Level navbox act I

328 bytes added, 22:42, 5 June 2012
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{|align="center" class="navbox"
! width="140px" | <span stylefont size="font-size: 10px;2">[[Act I]]{{editlink float|Template:Level_navbox_act_I}}[[Fire in the Sky]]</spanfont>
* [[Overlook Road]]<br>* '''[[New Tristram]]'''<br>** [[Cain's House]]<br>** [[The Slaughtered Calf Inn]]<br>*** [[Leah's Room]]<br>** [[Cellar of the Damned]]<br>* [[Old Tristram Road]]<br>* ::''[[The Old RuinsMusty Cellar]]<br>''* ::''[[Old Tristram RoadThe Cave Under the Well]]<br>''* [[Adria::''s Hut]]<br>** [[The Hidden Cellar|Hidden Dank Cellar]]<br>''* [[The Old Tristram RoadRuins]]<br>* ::''[[CathedralDark Cellar]]<br>''** [[Cathedral Level 1Old Tristram Road]]<br>** [[LeoricAdria's PassageHut]]<br>** [[Cathedral GardenThe Hidden Cellar|Hidden Cellar]]<br>** [[Cathedral Level 2Old Tristram Road]]<br>** ::''[[Cathedral Level 3Mass Grave]]<br>''** [[Cathedral Level 4]]<br>** [[The Royal CryptsCathedral Level 1]]<br>** [[Crypt of the Skeleton KingLeoric's Passage]]<br>** [[Desolate ChamberCathedral Garden]]<br>
* '''[[New Tristram]]'''
* [[The Weeping Hollow]]
::''[[The Den of Evil]]'' (2 levels)
* [[Cemetery of the Forsaken]]
** [[Defiled Crypt (empty)]]
** [[Defiled Crypt Level 2]]
** [[Chancellor's Tomb]]
* '''[[New Tristram]]'''
* [[Cathedral Garden]]
** [[Leoric's Passage]]
** [[Cathedral Level 2]]
** [[Cathedral Level 3]]
** [[Cathedral Level 4]]
** [[The Royal Crypts]]
** [[Crypt of the Skeleton King]]
** [[Desolate Chamber]]
* '''[[New Tristram]]'''
* [[Cemetery of the Forsaken]]
* [[Fields of Misery]]
*:* [[Khazra Den]]::''[[Forlorn Farm]]'':::''[[Farmer's Cellar]]''::''[[Sheltered Cottage]]''::''[[Tinker's Hovel]]''::''[[Scavenger's Den]]'' (2 levels)
* [[The Old Mill]]
* [[Fields of Misery]]
* [[Drowned Temple]]
** [[Drowned Temple]]
* [[The Festering Woods]]
** [[Warrior's Rest]]
** [[Crypt of the Ancients]]
** [[Drowned Temple]]
* '''[[New Tristram]]'''