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Guiding Light

92 bytes removed, 05:43, 24 May 2012
new skill templates
{{Passive skills skill description header}}{{<skill class="Monk Passive ">Guiding Light}}</skill>{{c_slate|''<skill flavor="I thought I was done for, trampled into the snow. Suddenly I felt her hand on my shoulder. The warmth returned to my bones, and together we repelled the beasts.yes"class="Monk">Guiding Light</skill>'' — Legends of the North}}
* [ HardRock's Monk Passive Skills] -- IncGamers 6th Sep 2011* [ Monk Passive Skills] -- Blizzard's Official Diablo III Site
{{Skill navbox Diablo III|Monk}}
[[category:Passive skills]]
[[category:Monk skills]]
[[category:Monk passives]]
[[category:passive skills]]