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Static Charge

364 bytes added, 00:37, 14 May 2012
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* Are you looking for the [[Wizard File:IconFistsThunder.png|left]]'''[[Fists of Thunder]] ''' is a Spirit Generator [[Monk skill ]] unlocked at [[clvl|Level]] 1.  Static Charge is a rune effect in the Fists of Thunder skill. It's enabled at level 30. <skill class="Monk">Static Charge (Wizard)|</skill><skill flavor="yes" class="Monk">Static Charge]]</skill> Screenshots and videos of this effect will be added post-release
[[File:IconFistsThunder.png|left]]'''[[Fists of Thunder]]''' is a Spirit Generator [[Monk Prior to the skill]] unlocked at rune revision in November 2011, this effect was enabled by the [[clvl|LevelObsidian]] 1rune.
An A Wizard skill from much earlier in development shared this same name. Archived info about that now-removed skill can be seen here:* [[Obsidian RuneWizard]] placed in it will alter the skill in the following way[[Static Charge (Wizard)|Static Charge]].{{Monk_Skillrune_Static Charge}}
[[category:Monk skills]]