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Critical hit

651 bytes added, 10:38, 9 November 2008
Critical Hits in Diablo III
The calculation of the bonuses is going to be interesting as well. In D1 and D2, critical hits were a huge bonus, since doubled the total physical damage dealt; a value that was often in the 1000s for a powerful combat character. In D3 critical hits will still (apparently) be that powerful for the Barbarian, but critical hits on spell damage would seem to be far less potent, since spells generally deal their damage over time, rather than in huge chunks per hit. Occasionally adding 10% to the critical hit damage of a 1-6 damage spell isn't very impressive, even if the spell is hitting 20x a second. A wizard would seem better off boosting the % chance of scoring a critical hit.
===Critical Deaths===
Monsters that die to a critical hit get a special "critical death" animation, which is extra gory. The monsters literally explode, leaving chunks of themselves scattered across the ground. These animations are customized for whatever type of damage killed them; the chunks have flames licking across them from fire damage, sparks and arcs from lightning, etc. Physical damage critical deaths tend to leave huge slicks of blood, and give a battlefield a lovely post-massacre patina.
These were demonstrated during a panel at Blizzcon 2008, an excerpt from which [ can be seen here].
==Types of damage and effects==