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The Reign of Diablo

4 bytes added, 04:38, 9 November 2008
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The Arch-Bishop [[Lazarus]], frayed and disheveled, returned from his absence and assured the townsfolk that he too had been ravaged by the growing evil of the Monastery. With their desperate need for reassurance clouding their good judgment, [[Lazarus]] whipped the townspeople into a frenzied mob. Reminding them that Prince [[Albrecht]] was still unaccounted for, he persuaded many of the men to follow him into the depths of the Monastery to search for the boy. They gathered torches and soon the night air glowed with the flickering light of hope. They armed themselves with shovels, picks and scythes and so prepared, they boldly followed the treacherous Arch-Bishop straight into the fiery maw of Hell itself?
The few who survived the horrible fate that awaited them returned to [[Tristram]] and recounted what they could of the ordeal. Their wounds were terrible, and even the skills of the healer could not save some of them. As the stories of demons and devils spread, a stifling, primal Terror began to consume the hearts of all of the town's inhabitants. It Was it was a Terror that none of them had ever known?
Deep beneath the foundations of the ruined Monastery, [[Diablo]] gorged himself upon the fears of the mortals above him. He slowly sank back into the welcoming shadows and began to harness his depleted power.