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1,172 bytes removed, 18:13, 6 November 2008
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The Worldstone was created by [[Inarius]] at the same time as when [[Sanctuary]] was first created. Its exact nature and properties is unknown to most, and not many know its full potential. Yet it is known that [[Inarius]] created the Worldstone to keep [[Sanctuary]] hidden from both the [[High Heavens]] and the legions of hell. Later he also imbued it with the power to weaken the [[Nephalem]].'''Temporary Removed'''
It is often speculated that Soulstones are fragments of the Worldstone, but this is yet to be proven. [[Tyrael]] originally gave the soulstones to the [[Horadrim]] in order to imprison the [[Prime Evils]], but there is no official information concerning their origin.This article will return shortly!
==Destruction of the Worldstone== Since --[[BaalUser:Leord|Leord]] corrupted the Worldstone19:13, [[Tyrael]] decided that it must be destroyed. The full effects of destroying the Worldstone is yet to be revealed. Many speculate that [[Tyrael]] has somehow been corrupted by [[Baal]] or the corrupted Worldstone. All should be revealed in [[Diablo III]] Even the characters in [[Diablo II]] aren't sure of what will happen now that it is destroyed, or even if it had to be destroyed in the first place. The Prophecy stated that the Worldstone would be corrupted, but apparently never actually said anything about having to be destroyed. 6 November 2008 (CET)