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Cathedral Level 4

916 bytes added, 04:40, 29 April 2012
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==Access to Levels==
-->* [[Reign of the Black King]]  ==Adventures== Adventures are short pockets of activity that can happen in any randomized location. They are not to be confused with [[quests]] or [[Events]].  ===Resplendent Chest=== The is situated towards the top of this level and is triggered by opening a glowing chest on a plinth in the middle of the oblong room. 
==Notable NPCs==
* [[Lachdanan's Scroll]] - Part 1,2,3,4,5
==Common Monsters==
* [[Carrion Bat]]
* [[Fiend]]
* [[Harvester]]
* [[Mandrake Viletongue]]
* [[Skeletal Archer]]
* [[Skeletal Shieldbearer]]
* [[Skeleton]]
==Checkpoint Location==
[[Checkpoint]]s are respawn points. Players who die appear back at the last checkpoint they reached.
There is a checkpoint just inside the entrance way.
==Common MonstersWaypoint Location== [[Waypoint]]s are special plates on the ground that form a network of jump points allowing players to instantly teleport between. Explain where the waypoint is. If there isn't one.... There are waypoints in this area.