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Cluster Arrow

232 bytes added, 01:02, 11 April 2012
beta patch 15 update
[[File:Dh_cluster_arrow_small.jpg|thumb|300px|Cluster Arrow in action.]]'''Cluster Arrow''' is a Devices an Archery [[Demon Hunter skill]] unlocked at [[clvl|Level]] 2827. The Demon Hunter fires an arrow that hits the ground (in its basic version), and grenades erupt from the consequent blast, which in turn explode to damage enemies.
[[File:Dh_cluster_arrow_small.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Cluster Arrow in action.]]
The skill generates a number of [[Grenade|grenades]] upon impact. The explosions damage other enemies in the immediate vicinity.
==Skillrune Skill Rune Effects==
The following is a very quick summary. See the [[Cluster Arrow rune effects]] page for a more thorough description of rune effects, or any of the individual rune pages for numbers, screenshots, blue quotes, and much more.
<skill class="DemonHunter">Cluster Arrow</skill>
 ===Cluster Arrow VideoNotes===A video of Cluster Arrow and all its rune effects can be seen below, courtesy of * The [[ the DiabloInc You Tube channelDemon Hunter]]. <youtube>V0C_15IzneY</youtube>must have a [[Image:Dh_cluster_arrow1.jpgbows|thumbbow]], [[crossbows|right|200pxcrossbow]], or [[Hand Crossbows|Grenades from the blast.hand xbow]]equipped to use Cluster Arrow.
Three sharp red lines appear behind the demon hunter and travel forward, the blast hitting the ground with a fairly large explosion, leaving a decal on the ground, where the grenades pop out of. The grenades, much like the [[Grenade]] skill itself, will bounce around for a short while before detonating.
[[Image:Clusterarrow_runed.jpg|center|thumb|600px|Cluster Arrow with every rune effect.]]
A video of Cluster Arrow and all its rune effects can be seen below, courtesy of [ the DiabloInc You Tube channel].
[[Image:Dh_cluster_arrow1.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Grenades from the blast.]]
The following [[Demon Hunter passives]] provide a benefit to Cluster Arrow, runed or not:
{{Passive skills header}}
{{Demon Hunter Passive Thrill of the Hunt}}
{{Demon Hunter Passive Steady Aim}}
{{Demon Hunter Passive Grenadier}}
[[File:Dh_cluster_arrow2.jpg|thumb|400px300px|Everyone loves explosions.]]
'''Cluster Arrow''' was the first skill from the demon hunter to be shown outside of [[BlizzCon]] 2010. It premiered with the official website update for skill [[rune]]s.
===Beta===Skill tiers were removed for shortly before the [[July 2011 Press Eventbeta]]started in September 2011, and Cluster Arrow became a level 23 skill, but was soon changed to 27. The skill system was once again overhauled for the [[Beta Patch 13]], and Cluster Arrow was classified as a Devices skill and moved up to level 28. For [[Beta patch 14]], it was re-classified as an Archery skill and moved back to level 27.
Cluster Arrow can be seen in action on video here:
* [http://wwwNo videos Runestone effects on Cluster Arrow]
You can find pictures in the Diablo III screenshot and picture gallery:
* [ post7960229 Zediono's translation of July 2011 Press Event Coverage 's pre- The Demon Hunter (Translated by Zediono)beta report]— IncGamers 1st Aug 2011* [ HardRock's Demon Hunter Skills and Their Rune Effects] -- IncGamers 6th Sep 2011* [ Demon Hunter Active Skills] -- — Blizzard's Official Diablo III 12th Sep 2011Site