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Mana Globe

230 bytes added, 14:48, 4 November 2008
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'''Mana Globes''' are orbs of magical energy that are created when a function much like [[Wizardhealth globes]] uses her [[Wizard_skills#Mana_Recovery|Mana Recovery]] spell; they restore mana (25% of the maximum was the listed amount) when a character runs through them.
 ==Gameplay Function==The Mana Globe is a way for No mana globes were seen during the Blizzcon demo play, and they are only mentioned in the description of the [[wizardArcane_Skill_Tree#Mana_Recovery|Mana Recovery spell]] to regenerate [[mana]] through defeating enemies. For most information concerning these It's not known if they ever drop other than when a Wizard is around, with points in that skill. It's assumed that other characters would share in the benefit, as they do with health globes, look at the [[Health Globe]] articlebut this is just conjecture.