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67 bytes added, 13:22, 4 November 2008
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Fury is a character stat that Barbarians have in place of the Barbarian builds mana other characters generate. Fury is built up during combat. Successfully ; successfully hitting enemies fills up the Barbarian's Fury bulb, enabling him to use [[Barbarian Skills|his most powerful skills]], most of which cost some Fury to use. When the Barbarian is not fighting, or not hitting enemies, his Fury steadily fades away, until it drops to nothing several seconds after a battle.
Fury changes the Barbarian's play style, making it impossible for him to use his most powerful abilities at the start of a fight. He must warm up a bit, building up his Fury with basic attacks, and only unleashing his devastating skills when the Fury bulb has filled up enough to allow him to expend the energy in violence.