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2,482 bytes added, 01:58, 2 February 2012
tab reduction
It is important to note, however, that [[Hardcore]] characters do not share a stash with softcore characters, nor can they trade between each other.
==Shared Stash==
The stash is natively "unlocked" for the player. It doesn't have to be unlocked via a [[quest]] like the [[Cauldron of Jordan]] or the [[Nephalem Cube]]. It is available as soon as the player enters [[New Tristram]].
===Upgrading the Stash===
[[Image:Stash_paneInventory jan 2012.jpg|thumb|300px|left|The stash [[interface]].]]
The stash is shaping up as a promising [[gold sink]].
| 60,000|| 30,000|| 90,000
===Hardcore Death & The Stash===
==Previous Development==
===January 2012===
In [[Beta Patch 10]] the number of tabs was reduced from 5 to 3.<ref>[ Reduction of Stash Tabs] - Blizzard, 1/2/2012</ref>
<blue>We reevaluated average character and account storage space requirements, and found it necessary to ensure we could handle what we anticipate will be a large amount of data very quickly after release.
Diablo III has both the benefit and disadvantage of having completely random items. Pretty much everything can roll up different affixes, if not a range of its benefits. That's obviously great because the item hunt is what it's all about, more randomization means you can keep chasing that perfect item, but that means the amount of data needed to describe an item is much, much larger than say, a World of Warcraft item, which is static and only needs a unique number to identify it.
A Diablo III item first has to say the base item, then each individual affix that it rolled up, then the ranges of each variable, and if it has any sockets. And we have to think about everywhere an item can be, an item on the ground is still an item, and so is an item on the auction house.
We obviously have room to grow if our projections are incorrect, or we just find that we eventually have the space. World of Warcraft definitely grew over the years, and that storage space didn't appear out of nowhere (although it does seem rather magical at times). We find three tabs to be plenty for at least the initial release of the game though. Not counting the items you're wearing (assuming they're the best you have), and assuming worst case scenario of nothing but 2-slot items, you'd be able to hold 405 swords per region. That's a lot. We don't expect people to be storing 405 swords... hopefully ever, because that might indicate you have an obsession with swords, but at the very least there should be enough storage to start and then we can continue to evaluate as we go.</blue>
[[File:Stash_pane.jpg|250px]] [[File:Inventory jan 2012.jpg|250px]]
* The following comments have been preserved An additional feature, which was a pleasant surprise to some, was the ability to select which class to view the stash as. Selecting a different class made the [[armor]] items appear different: each [[class]] has their own unique icons for historical purposes, but armor. This also disappeared between [[Beta Patch 9]] and [[Beta Patch 10]]. IN the left image above the information may no longer 'Appearance' tab can be validseen and in the right hand image from January 2012 it has gone.
===August 2008===
Finding and collecting items is a big part of the Diablo franchise, but storing and transferring those items has not always been easy. [[Jay Wilson]] spoke to this problem in BlizzCast Episode 5, August 2008. <ref>[ BlizzCast Episode 5] - Jay Wilson, Blizzard, 28/08/08</ref>
::<blue>"'''Jay Wilson:''' ...we really want to make it easier for you to be able to share and trade items with other people and other characters on the same account. We’ve talked about ideas like a shared stash, or a mail system like World of Warcraft has, and we haven’t nailed down exactly which one of those we want to do, but we’re definitely going to do something like that, that’s going to make it really easy for you if you’ve got, a Witch Doctor and a Barbarian character, and you find that awesome Witch Doctor drop and you want to share it, it’ll be super-easy to do that."
::'''Bashiok:''' so in other words, I won’t have to worry about my game closing after...::'''Jay Wilson: '''No, no more opening up a game, dropping items on the ground, and you know, hoping that the game stays open or getting a friend to help out, no more of that. You should be able to do it on your own.</blue>
The system remained undeveloped nearly two years later, as Bashiok explained in a forum post in July 2010. <ref>[ Shared Stash Still Just a Dream] - Blizzard, 14/07/10</ref>
::<blue>"No update, it’s something we hope to do, it’s not designed or in any sort of implementation phase so until we reach that point and either hit a revelation of it working or not we won’t know for sure. But yes, still hope to have some sort of easy way to share between characters. “Drop games are dumb.” - Bashiok"</blue>
Jay Wilson spoke again about the shared stash at Gamescom in August, 2010. <ref>[ Jay Wilson Interview @ G4TV] - Jay Wilson, Blizzard 28/08/10</ref>
::<blue>Including a shared stash in Diablo III is, I think, everyone’s first choice. A shared stash is very easy to deal with for the player, and having it in the game creates a nice common area where characters can gather in a game. It does create a few problems, though. For one thing, it really encourages players to [[mule]] items on multiple characters. Which may just be something we have to deal with. Players who like to mule really like doing it. We kind of feel, well, we wish you didn’t have to mule. We wish there was a better way to store away spare items.</blue>
Also from Gamescom, Jay described the stash getting larger over the course of the game. <ref>[ Jay Wilson Interview @ PC] - Jay Wilson, Blizzard 20/08/11</ref>
::<blue>The stash starts off small, but grows “ridiculously huge” over the course of the game, when gold is spent to enlarge it.</blue>
===October 2010===