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322 bytes removed, 01:29, 2 February 2012
Upgrading the Stash: number of tabs reduced
The stash is shaping up as a promising [[gold sink]].
The player begins with 7x2 (14 squares) of inventory space, which is equivalent to seven pieces of larger gear, or [[items]] which only take up one inventory space, such as [[amulet]]s, or [[scroll]]s.
The stash can be upgraded in 4 increments of 14 squares. As of the early weeks of the [[beta]] test, this cost costs 2,500 goldeach time, but it is unknown if this value will change.After the player has maxed out the first page of the stash, they will be able to purchase an entirely new tab for a very substantial gold cost. The tab begins the same as the natural stash: 7x2, and can be upgraded further, up to a grand total of 350 210 inventory squares. The total amounts per tab have been calculated during the Diablo III [[Beta]] test <ref>[ Got an Extra Million Gold Lying Around?] - IncGamers Forum, 27-12-2011</ref> and are shown in a table below.
The stash has five three tabs in total, counting the first tab that the player receives for "free".
As the stash is shared, any character on the account has access to it, assuming that they are all either hardcore or softcore. Softcore and hardcore characters cannot trade items whatsoever. Yet, any character on a single account that peers into the stash will see the exact same items.
An additional feature, which was a pleasant surprise to some, is the ability to select which class to view the stash as. Selecting a different class will make the [[armor]] items appear different: each [[class]] has their own unique icons for armor.
Below is a table showing gold costs per tab for the shared stash, but as these were taken during the beta test, they are subject to change for the game's final release.
! Tab 3
| 50,000|| 2,500|| 60,000
! Tab 4
| 250,000|| 2,500|| 260,000
! Tab 5
| 500,000|| 2,500|| 510,000
! Total Cost
| 81060,000|| 5030,000|| 86090,000