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Media Coverage

1,874 bytes added, 17:44, 3 November 2008
October 2008 - BlizzCon
==October 2008 - Post BlizzCon=={{oth}} November 3, 2008. [ Bill Roper join Cryptic Studios]{{blz}} October 31, 2008. [ Environmental Damage Against a Player] - [[Bashiok]] on potential griefing.{{oth}} October 27, 2008. [ Echoes of War: The Music of Blizzard Entertainment]{{oth}} October 23, 2008. [ Diablo 3 Fansite Kit]{{oth}} October 23, 2008. [ MTV Video Tour of Blizzard Headquarters]
== October 2008 - BlizzCon ==
{{vid}} November 3, 2008. [ BlizzCon Dance Contest Part 2]
{{vid}} November 1, 2008. [ BlizzCon Contest Videos] - First Half of the Dance contest, and the "/silly" contest.
{{pre}} October 30, 2008. [ Witch Doctor Gameplay Report] - [[Witch Doctor Skills|Skills]] and Items for the [[Witch Doctor]].
{{pre}} October 29, 2008. [ BlizzCon Demo Discussion] - Massive D3 Report, Part 1.
{{vid int}} October 29, 2008. [ Blizzard's Frank Pearce] - "Easy to learn, hard to master."
{{vid}} October 28, 2008. [ Costume Contest Video]
{{pre}} October 24, 2008. [ New Content From BlizzCon]
{{pic}} October 21, 2008. [ New Environmental Art]
{{pre}} October 20, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Diablo III Preview]
{{oth}} October 20, 2008. [ Barbarian Game Play and Skill Tree Discussion]
{{pan}} October 19, 2008. [ BlizzCon: Diablo 3 Lore Panel Video]
{{pre}} October 9, 2008. [ BlizzCon Coverage]
{{pre}} October 9, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008 Blog]
==September 2008==