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14 bytes added, 17:56, 27 October 2008
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'''Lachdanan ''' was a pious knight and servant of [[King Leoric's]], who survived a disastrous attack against [[Westmarch ]] only to return to find his king had finally turned all the way into a raving madman. The king, his mind destroyed after struggling against [[Diablo]]'s power, ordered his remaining warriors to attack Lachdanan and his company, but Lachdanan prevailed, finally slaying the king himself. As he died, [[Leori]]c cursed Lachdanan into eternal damnation for his "treachery".
He is encountered in the lowest levels of [[Hell ]] as a benevolent [[Steel Lord]]. He imparts his tragic tale to the player, and implores him to find a [[Golden Elixir]] capable of purifying his cursed soul and putting him to rest. If this is accomplished, Lachdanan swears that if there is a way to repay him/her from beyond the grave, he will find it. In the interim, he presents you with his unique helm, the [[Veil of Steel]], before presumably committing suicide in his new demonic form.