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Diablo III Collector's Edition

290 bytes added, 05:48, 27 October 2011
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==Collector's Edition Contents==
[[File:D3ce-aesthetic-artifacts1.jpg|thumb|Glowing Tyrael-style wings are a special bonus.]]The full contents were revealed at Blizzcon 2011, and can be seen in the large image below.
* Diablo III full game.
* [[Diablo III Soundtrack]].
* [[The Art of Diablo III]] book.
* Diablo skull and 4gig USB soulstone. (** The full games: Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction come loaded on the flashdrive.** The soulstone USB fits into the skull as a resting place/decoration item.)* Other Special digital bonus features in Blizzard games:** "Aesthetic Artifacts" in-game bonusesDiablo III:Two special color dyes and glowing Tyrael wings.
** World of Warcraft Fetish Shaman pet.
** Starcraft II character portraits