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Media Coverage

13,674 bytes added, 10:19, 21 October 2008
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This page lists all ''Diablo III'' coverage; previews, interviews, pictures, videos, designer diaries, forum post, and more. Anything from the D3 team that's substantial enough to warrant a news post on gets an entry on this page. Larger interviews and other features are archived in this section one month after they go online, to ward off link rot. If you are new to Diablo or Diablo III development, you can read up on the topic here:
* '''[[Diablo 3 Basics]]''' - The light source of all known Diablo III data in one fact sheet.
==October 2008 - BlizzCon==
{{oth}} October 20, 2008. [ Barbarian Game Play and Skill Tree Discussion]
{{pan}} October 19, 2008. [ BlizzCon: Diablo 3 Lore Panel Video]
{{pic}} October 18, 2008. [ New Character Art]
{{pre}} October 18, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Diablo III hands-on impressions]
{{pre}} October 17, 2008. [ The BlizzCon Experience - Afterthoughts]
{{pre}} October 17, 2008. [ BlizzCon '08: Witch Doctor and Barbarian Preview]
{{pre}} October 17, 2008. [ Diablo III Hands On]
{{pic}} October 17, 2008. [ New NPC Artwork]
{{pic}} October 17, 2008. [ BlizzCon D3 Inventory Images]
{{vid int}} October 17, 2008. [ Diablo III: All Access]
{{pre}} October 17, 2008. [ 'Diablo III' Hands-On]
{{pre}} October 16, 2008. [ The MMO Report: BlizzCon 08 Special]
{{blz}} October 16, 2008. [ Blizzcon 2008: Diablo III Tidbits]
{{int}} October 16, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Blizzard's Rob Pardo talks Diablo 3]
{{pan}} October 16, 2008. [ BlizzCon Press Conference with Jay Wilson]
{{pic}} October 16, 2008. [ New BlizzCon Monster Art]
{{oth}} October 16, 2008. [ BlizzPlanet Diablo 3 Answers]
{{vid int}} October 16, 2008. [ BlizzCon08: Diablo III Update w/ Gameplay]
{{vid int}} October 16, 2008. [ Diablo III Interview 5]
{{pre}} October 16, 2008. [ Diablo 3 - Blizzcon Impression]
{{int}} October 16, 2008. [ Q&A: Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime on DRM, WoW and the Next MMO]
{{int}} October 16, 2008. [ Blizzard Wizard] ([[Paul Sams]] Interview)
{{int}} October 15, 2008. [ Q&A: Blizzard's Executive Vice President of Game Design Rob Pardo]
{{vid int}} October 15, 2008. [ Jay Wilson and Ray Gresko Video Interview]
{{pre}} October 15, 2008. [ Diablo III Preview] (Spanish). [ Google Translated].
{{pre}} October 15, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Diablo III Hands-On Preview]
{{pre}} October 15, 2008. [ Diablo 3 Hands-On Preview]
{{blz}} October 14, 2008. [ Bashiok Answers Post-Blizzcon Diablo 3 Concerns]
{{vid int}} October 14, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008 Frank Pearce Interview]
{{pic}} October 14, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Diablo III In-Depth Hands On]
{{pic}} October 14, 2008. [ BlizzCon: Diablo 3 Skill Systems Gallery]
{{vid}} October 14, 2008. [ Blizzcon 2008: Panel: Skills Part 1 HD]
{{vid}} October 14, 2008. [ Blizzcon 2008: Panel: Skills Part 2 HD]
{{vid}} October 14, 2008. [ Blizzcon 2008: Panel: Skills Part 3 HD]
{{vid}} October 14, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Panel: Runes HD]
{{vid}} October 14, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Panel: Death Effects HD]
{{pre}} October 14, 2008. [ Blizzcon ‘08-Diablo III Hands-On]
{{pre}} October 14, 2008. [ Feature: Diablo III]
{{pre}} October 14, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: In-depth Diablo 3 hands-on]
{{pre}} October 13, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Diablo III Hands-On Gameplay Impressions]
{{vid int}} October 13, 2008. [ Diii.Net Jay Wilson Video Interview]
{{Oth}} October 13, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Rob Pardo talks Battle.Net monetizing]
{{vid int}} October 13, 2008. [ Diii.Net Jay Wilson Video Interview]
{{pre}} October 13, 2008. [ BlizzCon: Diablo 3 Gameplay and the New Wizard Class]
{{pre}} October 13, 2008. [ Diablo 3: What We Know So Far, Post-BlizzCon Edition]
{{int}} October 13, 2008. [ In Crafting ‘Diablo 3' Class, Blizzard Risking Harry Potter Comparisons Instead Of ‘World of Warcraft’ Ones]
{{oth}} October 13, 2008. [,663351/News/Blizzcon_Diablo_3_and_Starcraft_2_without_Direct_X_10/ Blizzcon: Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 without Direct X 10]
{{oth}} October 12, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008 Live Blog Transcript]
{{pre}} October 12, 2008. [ Blizzcon 08: Diablo III Hands-On]
{{pre}} October 12, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Diablo III Updated Hands-On]
{{pre}} October 12, 2008. [ Blizzcon 08: Hands On - Diablo III]
{{oth}} October 12, 2008. [ BlizzCon 08: New Diablo III Tunes, New Co-Composer Announced]
{{pre}} October 11, 2008. [ Wizard Skill Tree Coverage]
{{int}} October 11, 2008. [ Exclusive Jay Wilson Interview]
{{vid int}} October 11, 2008. [ Ray Gresko and Leonard Boyarsky Video Interview]
{{int}} October 11, 2008. [ BlizzCon 08: Rob Pardo on Diablo III]
{{pre}} October 11, 2008. [ BlizzCon '08: Diablo III First Impression]
{{oth}} October 11, 2008. [ 30 Diablo 3 Questions Answered]
{{pan}} October 11, 2008. [ Diii.Net Diablo 3 Gameplay Q&A Videos]
{{pre}} October 11, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Diablo III Hands-on]
{{pic}} October 11, 2008. [ 2008 BlizzCon - Saturday Morning Gallery]
{{int}} October 11, 2008. [ Rob Pardo Talks Diablo III!]
{{pre}} October 11, 2008. [ Hands On With Diablo III: Everything Old Is New Again]
{{pan}} October 11, 2008. [ D3 Lore & Art Panel]
{{pan}} October 11, 2008. [ Class Panel Fan Q&A Video]
{{vid int}} October 11, 2008. [ Ray Gresko and Leonard Boyarsky Video Interview]
{{oth}} October 11, 2008. [ Diablo 3 Not on Consoles]
{{vid int}} October 11, 2008. [ Mike Morhaime Video Interview]
{{pre}} October 11, 2008. [ D3 Gameplay Panel]
{{oth}} October 11, 2008. [ Blizzard not allowing mods in Diablo 3, may make DLC available]
{{pre}} October 11, 2008. [ Hands-on with Diablo III's Witch Doctor (PC)]
{{pre}} October 11, 2008. [ 2008 BlizzCon - Diablo III Gameplay Impressions]
{{pan}} October 11, 2008. [ Class Design Panel at Blizzcon]
{{pre}} October 11, 2008. [ BlizzCon: Hands on With the Diablo III Witch Doctor]
{{oth}} October 11, 2008. [ Blizzard: Rainbows Could Appear In ‘StarCraft II,’ Still Looking For New ‘Diablo III’ Art Director]
{{pre}} October 11, 2008. [ Hands On: Diablo III Simplifies Everything]
{{oth}} October 11, 2008. [ Diablo III Not For Console]
{{pre}} October 11, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008: Diablo III Hands-On]
{{pic}} October 10, 2008. [ Screens and Artwork]
{{int}} October 10, 2008. [ Blizzard Discusses Diablo 3 Console Port (Update: Director Jay Wilson Weighs In)]
{{oth}} October 10, 2008. [ Wizard!!!]
{{oth}} October 10, 2008. [ Blizzard on Subscription, Diablo 3 Modding]
{{oth}} October 10, 2008. [ Diablo 3 Lead Designer Reveals Skill Rune System]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ Wizard first reactions...]
{{pic}} October 10, 2008. [ BlizzCon Pics & Goodie Bag]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ Diablo 3: The Wizard's Talent Trees Unveiled]
{{pan}} October 10, 2008. [ D3 Class Panel Notes]
{{pan}} October 10, 2008. [ Diablo 3 Lead Designer Reveals Skill Rune System]
{{vid}} October 10, 2008. [ Diablo 3 Wizard Class Gameplay]
{{vid}} October 10, 2008. [ Diablo III - Wizard e Barbarian Gameplay]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ Diablo III Preview]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ Hands-on with Diablo III's Wizard]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ Hands-on Diablo III at BlizzCon 2008]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ The Wizard]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ First Diablo 3 Hands-on Impressions: Hell Yeah]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ Joystiq hands-on: Diablo 3 and the Wizard class]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ New Diablo 3 Class Revealed: The Wizard]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ BlizzCon 08: Diablo 3 Wizard Class Revealed, More Coverage Throughout the Day]
{{pre}} October 10, 2008. [ Diablo 3 Playable at BlizzCon]
{{pre}} October 9, 2008. [ BlizzCon Coverage]
{{pre}} October 9, 2008. [ BlizzCon 2008 Blog]
{{blz}} August 26, 2008. [ Bashiok] on Diablo 3's age ratings.
{{int}} August 21, 2008. [ Michael Gough], the voice of [[Deckard Cain]] interviewed about his own history. Not quite Diablo-related.
==August 2008 - GC Leipzig==
{{pic|s}} August 20, 2008. [ New artwork] from the Leipzig press CD.
{{pic|s}} August 20, 2008. [ 13 Screenshots] from the Leipzig press CD.
==August 2008 - Pre-Leipzig==
{{int}} August 10, 2008. [ Jay Wilson] on the chances of a D3 Secret Cow Level. MTV MP Blog.
{{int}} August 8, 2008. [ Jay Wilson] talks about D3's characters and the game's state of progress. Vault Network.
{{pic|s}} August 7, 2008. [ New piece of concept art] posted by
{{blz}} August 6, 2008. [ Bashiok on] the Secret Cow Level and game balancing in general.
{{pre}} August 1, 2008. [ GamesRadar] on D3, and a short QA session.
{{int}} August 1, 2008. [ Jeffrey Kaplan] on Diablo 3 Achievements, "Blizzard Account" and fan's "Blizzard level". MTV
==July 2008==
{{int}} July 4, 2008. [ Mike Morhaime]. Eurogamer.
{{blz}} July 3, 2008. [ Bashiok] on Blizzard's approach to controlling PKing.
==June 2008: World Wide Invitational==
''Diablo III'' was announced at Blizzard's [[WWI 2008|World Wide Invitational]] in Paris, on June 28, 2008. A storm of media coverage ensued, with every gaming media outlet on the Internet reporting the announcement. The biggest sources of info from the WWI were the four hour-long Diablo 3 panels, along with [ three movies] Blizzard released, the [ D3 FAQ], and over one hundred [ screenshots] and pieces of [ concept art].
===Blizzard's WWI Panels===
{{pan}} June 29, 2008. [[WWI 2008: D3 Lore and Environmental Art Panel]].
{{pan}} June 29, 2008. [[WWI 2008: Denizens of Diablo Panel]].
==WWI Interviews==
{{vid int}} June 29, 2008. [,id4103,blizzard_interview_with_rob_pardo.html Rob Pardo]. Onlinewelten.
{{int}} June 29, 2008.[ Video: Rob Pardo]. IGN,
{{int}} July 2, 2008.[ Rob Pardo].
{{vid int}} July 5, 2008. [ Keith Lee], Diablo 3 Lead Producer. Gamespot.
===Additional WWI Reporting and Features===
All posted June 28-30, 2008.
* {{vid int}} [ convention hall tour and fan interviews] IncGamers.
* {{pic|s}} [ WWI Event Photos]
* {{vid}} [ IGN video reactions] to WWI and D3.
* {{pre}} [ IGN's Ten Commandments of D3].
===Pre-WWI Teasers===