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Barbarian skills

119 bytes added, 14:38, 22 September 2011
updated skill links
This page lists all known '''[[Barbarian]] skills''', with information that was current as of August 2011. This page is a quick listing; follow the links to the individual skill pages for full discussion of every skill, including first hand reports, [[Blue]] quotes, [[runestone]] information, and numerous screenshots and other images.
All character skills have undergone considerable changes during development, with the biggest change coming before Blizzcon [[BlizzCon 2010]], when skill trees and passive skills were removed from the skill listing and [[Traits]] were introduced. See the [[Barbarian skill archive]] for information about skill changes over time.
'''Useful skill links:'''
* [[Skill]]s - General skill design and mechanics.
** [[Active Signature skill]]s -- Skills where effects are activated by the playerthat define characters.** [[Passive Rune]]stones - The huge skillcustomization and improvement system.* [[Barbarian]]s -a [[melee]]- Skills where effects are activated automatically, oriented class with great physical powers.** [[Barbarian skills by category]] - A quick listing of the computer or by special eventsBarbarian's skills in each category. ** [[Signature skillBarbarian passives]]- A list of all the Barbarian's -- Skills that define characterspassive skills.** [[Shouts]] -- Skills that buff the player or debuff monsters.** [[Fury]] -- The Barbarian's energy [[resource]].* [[RunestonesBarbarian skill archive]] -- The huge skill customization and improvement systemRemoved Barbarian skills.* [[Barbarian skill passive archive]] -- Removed Barbarian skillspassives.* [[Barbarian traits]] -- Passive skills in Diablo III were called [[traits]] for a while before reverting back.