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Wizard skills

7 bytes added, 10:29, 13 October 2008
[[Image:Skill_wizard_tornado.jpg|right|thumb|150px|We're not in Kansas anymore...]]
Official Skill Description: (Rank 0/1) ''Summon a large tornado that damages everything in its path.''*'''Rank:''' 0/1*'''Mana cost:''' 15
Mana cost'''''Note: 15''''' ''Akin to the Druid's Twister skill from Diablo II, however these tornadoes are formed from pure energy. In the released 5-1/2 minute gameplay trailer of the Wizard, multiple tornadoes are cast one after another, each lasting for close to 5 seconds. Their path seems to take random lefts and rights as it moves away from the casting point, stopping only when its timer has expired. Expect some interesting Rune uses with this spell, as by itself, it seems a little too sporadic and short-lived to be of much useful combative use.
Akin to the Druid's Twister skill from Diablo II, however these tornadoes are formed from pure energy. In the released 5-1/2 minute gameplay trailer of the Wizard, multiple tornadoes are cast one after another, each lasting for close to 5 seconds. Their path seems to take random lefts and rights as it moves away from the casting point, stopping only when its timer has expired. Expect some interesting Rune uses with this spell, as by itself, it seems a little too sporadic and short-lived to be of much useful combative use.  As in DII with the Druid, the best use of the tornadoes will likely be multiple, concentrated casts in a small area packed with enemies, to ensure the most damage in the shortest period of time. Higher levels of the skill may increase their size or may simply increase raw damage. Epic Storm will increase the number of simultaneous tornadoes you can cast, and Lethal Energy will increase the chance to score critical strikes.''