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No change in size, 02:05, 26 September 2008
September 2008
{{blz}} September 23, 2008. [ Bashiok] on level cap and inventory arrangement.
{{blz}} September 23, 2008. [ Bashiok] on DirectX 10 support for Diablo III.
{{blz}} September 20, 2008. [ Bashiok] on looting with the use of the Alt-key.
{{blz}} September 19, 2008. [ Bashiok] on invisible characters in [[screenshot]]s.
{{blz}} September 18, 2008. [ Bashiok] on the Diablo III logo history.
{{pic}} September 18, 2008. [ Blizzard] posts new screenshots as well as art.
{{blz}} September 18, 2008. [ Bashiok] on [[corpse]]s and game resources (including [[Havok]]).