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55 bytes added, 02:03, 26 September 2008
August 2008 - GC Leipzig
{{vid int}} August 22, 2008. [ Jay Wilson] talks about career, D2/D3 teams, struggle and MUCH about the [[art controversy]]. IncGamers.
{{int}} August 22, 2008. [ Jay Wilson on] loot and other things. Boomtown.
[[Image:Diablo-head1.jpg|thumb|250px|Diablo returns.]]
{{int}} August 22, 2008. [ Jay Wilson] tells us there will be no Diablo III runewords.
{{int}} August 21, 2008. [ Jay Wilson] says only the [[Barbarian]] will feature in Diablo 3. The [ Necromancer] is 100% cut. Kotaku.