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120 bytes removed, 15:57, 13 September 2011
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'''Sprint''' is a Fury Spending [[Barbarian skill]] enabled unlocked at [[clvl|level]] 2324, which grants the Barbarian a movement speed bonus for a limited amount of time.
{{Skillbox D3|portrait=sprint[[File:Sprint.png|portrait-width=235px|name= Sprintthumb|user= Barbarian200px|clvl= 23right|description= Increases movement speed by X% for Y seconds|type= [[Buff]]|resource= Costs [[FurySprint in action]]|alabaster= Unknown|crimson= Unknown|golden= Unknown|indigo= Unknown|obsidian= Unknown}}
The Barbarian starts to sprint, catching fleeing enemies before they can escape.
==Skill Effects==
<p style="text-align:center">Note: Information is based on a level 60 character and rank 7 runestones.</p>
==Skill Design==
* No [[synergies]] with any of the [[passive skill]]s are yet known.
==Skill Rune Effects==
* No [[rune]] effects for Sprint are known.
* [ BlizzCon 2010 PvP Hands-on Report]
* [ Zediono's translation of JudgeHype's pre-beta report] -- IncGamers 1st Aug 2011
* [ Barbarian Overview] -- Diablo 3 Official 13th Sep 2011
{{Skill navbox Diablo III|Barbarian}}
[[category:shoutsBarbarian skills]][[category:Active skills]]</noinclude>