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Pound of Flesh

143 bytes added, 03:55, 10 September 2011
page redesign
'''Pound of Flesh''' is a [[Barbarian passive skill]] skill unlocked for the [[Barbarian passives|Barbarian]] at [[clvl|Level]] 10, which increases the frequency and healing power of [[health globes]].
==Description==Increases the chance of finding a [[health globe]] by {{c_lime|25%}} and you gain {{c_lime|100%}} additional health from [[health globes]].  ===Lore===
''"When the sky bleeds the crops grow tall, when our enemies bleed we grow strong."'' - The Chant of the Harvest
Unlocked at [[clvl|Level]] 10.
Increases the chance of finding a [[health globe]] by 25% and you gain 100% additional health from [[health globes]].
This passive improves the odds of a health globe dropping. It's assumed that this only works for kills by the character with the passive, since unlike [[gold]] and [[item]] drops, [[health globes]] are shared/seen by all characters in the game.
===Level Requirement===
* '''[[Barbarian]]''': level 10
{{Passive history notes}}
Like many passive skills, Pound of Flesh was moved directly from a level 11 [[trait]] of the same name when traits were changed back to passive skills in early 2011. Neither the name nor the function changed, though the stats may have been tweaked slightly. When Pound of Flesh first appeared as a passive, it had a listed level of 1 (presumably so players could try it out from the beginning), but for the beta, it was a level 10 passive.
* [[Pound of Flesh (trait)]] - As a trait.
* [ BlizzCon 2010 Coverage - The Barbarian (Translated by Zediono)]
* [ Zediono's translation of JudgeHype's pre-beta report] -- IncGamers 1st Aug 2011
* [ Kastigar's Really Big Barb thread] -- IncGamers 8th Aug Sep 2011
| [[Pound of Flesh]]
| Increases the chance of finding a [[health globe]] by {{c_lime|25%}} and you gain {{c_lime|100%}} additional health from [[health globes]].
| {{Passive skill choice|{{{1|All}}}10|barb=10}} Barbarian