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Difficulty Levels
===Difficulty Levels===
There are going to be three four [[difficulty]] levels in Diablo 3, most likely called "normal," "nightmare," "hell," and "hell[[Inferno]]" as has become standard in the Diablo series. How much more difficult and what sort of variety the higher difficulty levels will add remains to be determined. [[Jay Wilson]] addressed this issue in a November 2009 interview. []
::''What are the differences in the difficulty levels in Diablo III other than just monsters doing more damage? ie: What reason will people have to play through these modes after having already beaten the main story of the game on an easier difficulty setting?
::'''Jay Wilson:''' We haven't really gotten into the difficulty settings a lot; we're still just working on the core content for the game at this point. The primary reason as to why a player would want to progress through the game, through the several difficulties, would be for more of a challenge.
::There will be also better item customization, for example a Level 100 character in a higher difficulty would see and wear [[items]] that a Level 30 character would not have a chance at seeing in the lower difficulty. Said items will also look and feel completely different whereas in Diablo II a lot of times you just had a remodel of the same old items with different names.
===Difficulty Scaling in Multiplayer===