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442 bytes added, 12:06, 17 July 2011
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'''D3Here''' is the nickname ascribed to an unknown individual who appeared online in late June, 2011.
He claimed to be a Diablo III play-tester [] who had seen the entire game, and began answering reader questions via his blog, Word spread very quickly through the Diablo III community, and after just a couple of days the posts on his blog were receiving hundreds of questions from skeptical, credulous, or just plain curious fans.
He made several posts [] over a few days, before abruptly deleting his blog [] after claiming (via an email to [[Flux]], webmaster of [[]]) that he'd received a scary C&D letter from attorneys representing Blizzard. At that point Flux archived all the D3Here posts in [ a forum thread], then agreed to act as D3Here's mouthpiece [] for one additional session of questions and answers. These were posted a couple of days later, and after that the D3Here guy vanished from the scene.
Most fans wound up not believing [] he was legit, though most people were pleased that they'd been able to read his statements, and the sheer volume of his output and the audacity of his many predictions/statements about previously unknown game info did win over some fans, or at least created a great deal of conversation and debate.
While D3Here is gone, he's not forgotten, since he made enough testable statements about unknown features in Diablo III that the authenticity of his knowledge will be proved or disproved on August 1st, 2011, when Blizzard is planning a major reveal of Diablo III's systems.
==D3Here's Legacy===
This is not yet known, since not enough time has passed. As more game info details are revealed, it will become evident if he was a legit inside source, or just a hoaxer.