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170 bytes added, 01:44, 10 July 2011
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Blizzard is officially "exploring a Diablo-related concept for consoles."[] This is not the same thing as committing to make a console version of Diablo III, but that's clearly their ultimate goal.
They have hired several new employees for their Diablo console project, and as of January 2011 have Diablo III job openings[;search=,diablo, Diablo III job openings] listed for a Console Lead Designer, Console Lead Programmer and Console Senior Producer. As there are no art or writing jobs for the console teamMore specifics were revealed in May 2011, it seems that they plan to adapt existing Diablo III material to the console, and need employees to manage that process, rather than creating new content from scratch when D3 Team job openings for a PlayStation 3 programmers were added.[ project.-titles/]
Since news breaks Blizzard's official statement on this issue regularlytheir Diablo console plans remains vague, you may find this link valuableand they'll only say that they are exploring the possibilities of adapting Diablo to the console. They never say "porting Diablo III" or give any guarantees that the project will result in a retail title. * Keep up with all of the [ Console rumors in Diablo 3 console news]via