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307 bytes added, 21:32, 2 July 2011
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Sapphires are one of the six types of [[gems ]] found in Diablo III.
Nothing is [[File:Gems-1-14-label.jpg|frame|The 14 levels of [[gems]].]]The full stats for Sapphires are not yet known . The only information we have about their bonuses came from players observing the stats, though they will likely be somewhat different than {{iw|gems Sapphire stats were on sapphires found in the Blizzcon 2010 demo. These bonuses and values may change in Diablo 2}}the final game.
See the main As of [[GemsBlizzCon 2010]] page for full details., a [[flawed]] (level 2) Sapphire granted:
[[File* Weapon:Gems-1-14-label.jpg|center|frame|The 14 levels +3% Life Stolen per Hit* Helm: 3% Better Chance of [[Finding Magical Items* Other: +4 Willpower  It's not yet known how much these values will scale up with higher level gems]].]]
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