,→Mercenaries in Diablo III
Nothing is yet known about true mercenaries in Diablo III. The team has said they hope to include full mercenaries as a feature, and that if they do they'll be bigger and better than mercs were in D2. But they've given no details yet. [http://www.gameplanet.co.nz/pc/games/156898.Diablo-III/features/133759.20090831.BlizzCon-Diablo-III-devs-discuss-design-decisions-direction-depth-drops/]
<blue>We have two different types of mercenaries now. As you saw in the demo, if you got the quest where you could rescue the adventurers or their leader, those guys are a low level and are just along for the quest, or are cannon fodder. You can't really control them or have anything to do with them at all.
When you have what we are calling followers, they are the guys you can equip, give them different weapons, you can give them different armor. They will probably have some quests that involve them. Much more than in Diablo II, you could equip them but they were more like a game mechanic in a body of an NPC. Where this time, were making them much more individuals with their own back story and their own reason for being in the world.</blue>
Leonard went on to say that there would be different hireables to fill different roles, such as tanks, artillery support, etc.
No more updated info has since been released, though in April 2011 Bashiok hinted[http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/mercenaries-system-reveal-draws...-closer/] that an announcement was imminent.
<blue>We’re not quite ready to talk about our approach, but I will say it’s something that’s been a part of the game since before announcement. We have a very solid direction for them. </blue>
==Known NPC Followers==