→Max Without Grinding
==Max Without Grinding==
Allowing characters to max out their level without endless grinding is one of the main stated reasons for this change. The [[D3 Team]] thinks they can offer a much more fun and varied [[end game]] than endlessly [[run]]ning the same level or [[boss]], and they do not want to force players to endure that style of play in order to reach the max level. There are numerous reasons for this.
The [[Arena]], for one. The team announced the Clvl 60 change long before they revealed their plans for Arena battles, but once that game feature was known, the connection became obvious. Players will want to duel with their high level characters, and since character power is closely tied to Clvl, the developers wanted to level that playing field. By designing the game so that characters could reach the maximum level through the normal content, players can create top level dueling characters without spending hundreds of repetitious hours. (Freeing them up to spend those hundreds of repetitious hours hunting items to use in the Arena.)
==Arguments Against Sixty==