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Treasure Goblin

665 bytes added, 06:57, 11 March 2011
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The Treasure Seeker is a dungeon-exploring semi-monster who is a new addition to the Diablo gameplay experience. He runs very quickly, dropping gold as he moves , as well as more gold and whenever an items when players hit by a character's attackshim. If killed he drops pops numerous quality items of a quality and quantity similar to that of , much like a [[transcendent chest]].
Despite his nameand sneaky appearance, itthe Treasure Seeker doesn's not clear if he can t seem to have the ability to steal from players or actually take items from chests, or if he. He's just a sort of moving treasure chest who does not affect , purely there as a bonus without offering any risk or impact the other treasure drops available danger. His official description, from an update on Blizzard's Diablo facebook page. <blue>He'll randomly and rarely appear in dungeons, but when he does you'll want to beat the dungeoncandy out of him as he'll drop progressively better loot with each hit.Don't let him escape!</blue>
First sighted in the playable demo at [[Blizzcon 2010]], the Treasure Seeker is a small, shiny, loudly-giggling, rat-like humanoid with a huge sack of loot over one shoulder and extremely quick foot speed. He is technically a monster, but he does not attack characters or deal any sort of damage. Instead he is basically a moving , gold-leaking treasure chest, one that drops a constant shower of gold and occasional items, and will drop lots of high quality items if you manage to run him down and kill him.
[[File:Treasure-hunter3.jpg|thumb|Escape Portal?]]
In the Blizzcon 2010 gameplay movieIf left alone for more than a few seconds, the Treasure Seeker is seen casting some sort of dark purple/orange may cast a special portal. It's Players can not clear what this behavior does; if he's stealing items from pass through the chests and sending them away to his hideoutportal, or but if the Treasure Seeker is left alone for too long he's preparing will disappear through it, depriving players of the chance to escapescore all that delicious loot from him. More study is required to understand his full suite of behaviors His portal and evasive behavior can be seen in the [[Gameplay:_Blizzcon_2010|Blizzcon 2010 gameplay movie]].
==Blizzcon 2010 Crafting Sanctuary Panel==
[[File:Treasure-hunter-poster.jpg|left|thumb|250px|Treasure Seeker wanted poster.]]The Treasure Seeker was briefly discussed during the 2010 Blizzcon [[Crafting Sanctuary Panel Blizzcon 2010|Crafting Sanctuary Panel]], where the developers urged players to "beat the candy out of him" if and when we spotted the little guy. They also presented a wanted poster with his face on it; a useful presentation since there's no way to get a good look at his visage in the actual game.
Most players assumed he was humanoid; like a twisted old man, but apparently he's some sort of demonic rat-like creature?
It's unknown if this type of enemy will be found in some/many/most/all dungeons in Diablo III, or if there are higher quality versions, or they ever appear in larger numbers.
Assorted Treasure Seeker screenshots and concept arts.
* See every piece of Treasure Seeker media [ in the Image Gallery].
File:Treasure-seeker-victor-lee.jpg|Concept art by [[Victor Lee]].