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Deckard Cain

8 bytes added, 05:57, 5 March 2011
Cain's Background
==Cain's Background==
[[File:Npc-leah-cain1Cain_cinematic_concept.jpg|frame|Cain seen with [[Leah]] in the [[Caravan]]: August, 2010.]]
Cain is the last in a long line of the [[Horadrim]] brotherhood, and he was told the stories of the brave Horadrim by his mother []. He is not a warrior mage, but is more of an [[archivist]] and loremaster, who does what he can to fight against evil by sharing the knowledge he's accumulated over a lifetime of researching the [[demon]]s that menace the lands of [[Sanctuary]]. He was inspired to study these topics as his mother inspired him with stories of his Horadrim ancestor [[Jered Cain]].