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Magic Missile

264 bytes added, 02:25, 7 February 2011
added blizzcon 2010 report
'''Magic Missile''' is a [[Wizard]] Tier 1 [[Wizard skills|skill]] unlocked for the at [[Wizardclvl|character level]] at level 2, invoking a bolt of arcane magic thrown against an opponent.
|ranks= 5
|user= Wizard
|tree= ArcaneTier 1
|description= Fire 1 missile(s) of energy at your enemies causing 3-5 arcane damage to them. Critical hits from arcane damage silence targets for 4 secs.
|type= Damage
|effect= Bolt
|school= [[Arcane]]|resource= [[ManaArcane Power]]
|cost= 8
|cast-time= Instant
==Skill Rank Table==
* '''Rank 1:''' 1 Missile, 7-13 arcane damage, 8 mana.
Magic Missle benefits directly from the following traits:
* [[Power Surge]]: Increase critical strike damage.
* [[Penetrating Spells]]: Reduces the resistances of your target to your spells by 20%.
[[Image:Magic_Missile_corpse.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Corpses made from Magic Missile glows eerily.]]
==[[Rune|Skill Rune]] Effects==
* [[Hydra Indigo rune]] : increases the number of missiles fired with each use of the skill.* [[Alabaster rune]]: makes the Magic Missile a homing missile.
'''Previous Versions:'''
* [[Magic Missile (BlizzCon 2008)]]
[[Image:Wiz-magic-missile1.jpg|center|thumb|450px|Double missiles.]]
You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery:
* [http://wwwdiablo.diiiincgamers.netcom/gallery/ Diablo 3 screenshots and pictures]* [http://wwwdiablo.diiiincgamers.netcom/gallery/showgallerysearch.php?keywords=Magic+Missile&cat=all&six=10&y=Magic+Missile 8 '''Magic Missile-''' specific gallery contents]
* [ Full Wizard Skill Trees]
* [ Wizard gameplay report]
* [ BlizzCon 2010 Wizard Hands-on Report]
{{Slave navbox Diablo III|Wizard}}