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Ignore Pain

145 bytes removed, 23:46, 30 January 2011
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'''Ignore Pain''' is a tier III 2 [[Barbarian_skills|skill]] in unlocked for the [[Battlemaster Skill TreeBarbarian]] at [[Clvl|character level]]3, which reduces all damage taken by 50% for 6 seconds, ; while it's active, [[Fury]] gain is suspended. It requires [[Second Wind]].
|quantity= Duration
|effect= Self
|school= [[Physical]]|resource= [[Fury]]|cost= 1 Fury orbUnknown
|cast-time= None
|cooldown= 15 seconds
==Skill Design==
This [[skill ]] is really useful for tough situations, where no amount of skills can save you and your only chance is to survive being pounded by a mob of monsters until help can arrive or to plan your next move. This is also useful during boss fights, as 50% damage reduction coupled with [[Second Wind]] will make damage against the Barbarian almost useless. A skill that hardcore players might take a liking to, its only drawback is the suspended fury gain and it is assumed that fury will continue depleting for the duration of the spell.
==Skill Rank Table==
*'''Rank 1:''' Reduces all damage taken by 50% for 6 sec. While skill is active, Fury gain is suspended.*'''Rank 2:''' Reduces all damage taken by 55% for 7 sec. While skill is active, Fury gain is suspended. (legend A)*'''Rank 3:''' Reduces all damage taken by 60% for 8 sec. While skill is active, Fury gain is suspended. (A) = Assumed*'''Rank 4:''' Reduces all damage taken by 65% for 9 sec. While skill is active, Fury gain is suspended. (A)*'''Rank 5:''' Reduces all damage taken by 70% for 10 sec. While skill is active, Fury gain is suspended. (A)
*Rank: 1/5**Reduces all damage taken by 50% for 6 sec. Fury gain is suspended while Ignore Pain is active.**Fury Cost: 1 Fury Orb *Rank: 2/5**Reduces all damage taken by 55% for 7 sec. Fury gain is suspended while Ignore Pain is active. (A)**Fury Cost: 1 Fury Orb *Rank: 3/5**Reduces all damage taken by 60% for 8 sec. Fury gain is suspended while Ignore Pain is active. (A)**Fury Cost: 1 Fury Orb *Rank: 4/5**Reduces all damage taken by 65% for 9 sec. Fury gain is suspended while Ignore Pain is active. (A)**Fury Cost: 1 Fury Orb *Rank: 5/5**Reduces all damage taken by 70% for 10 sec. Fury gain is suspended while Ignore Pain is active. (A)**Fury Cost: 1 Fury Orb = Assumed
[[File:Ignore-pain1.jpg|frame|Ignore Pain sequence, showing the orbiting "shields" within the globe of protection.]]
==Trait [[Synergies]]==
* None known.
==Runestone [[Rune|Skill Rune]] Effects==No [[skill rune]] effects have yet been revealed* None known.