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User talk:Flux

451 bytes added, 01:43, 23 November 2010
More info on the quill throwers
== More info on the quill throwers ==
DO you have any more info on the quill throwers? I'll work on a page for them if you got any info. Are they called razorbacks? [[User: Butch Audacity|Butch Audacity]] Nov 22, 2010 7:25PM EST
:I'd cropped out 2 images of them weeks ago, and had the monster name added to the navigation, but hadn't done the page yet. Motivated by your post, I just threw up a very quick one, with the 2 images. Feel free to flesh it out; there's some good footage of the [[razorback]]s in the new HQ ninja video posted in the news today. I noted the time on the forum post that brought the first news of it. --[[User:Flux|Flux]] 01:43, 23 November 2010 (UTC)