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10 bytes added, 04:20, 3 November 2010
Skill Design
[[Image:bola_in_flight.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Bolo in flight.]]
[[Flux]] reports about his time using the skill from BlizzCon 2010<ref>[ Demon Hunter Screenshots and Hands-On Report] - Incgamers 22/10/10</ref>:<br><br>
<blockquote>Bola Arrow fires what looks like a blurry Frisbee. It’s actually two bombs on a string, which whirl around and wrap around the neck of monsters, as seen in the Demon Hunter cinematic. <br><br> In practice it’s like Explosive Arrow with a time delay fuse; you hit monsters and deal tiny damage with the impact, but then about 1.5 seconds later the bomb goes off and deals substantial fire damage. This skill was fun and effective, but not great to stack on a single target, since you could shoot them 5 or 6 times before the bomb started going off, and usually 2 or 3 would kill anything short of a boss. Thus wasting almost all the damage of your last 3 or 4 shots. I found it most effective to hit monsters with one or two Bolas, and then move on to shoot something else, trusting them to die when the time delay ran out.</blockquote>
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