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Thousand Pounder

No change in size, 22:48, 7 October 2010
The D3 Team on Thousand Pounder
::''The other way we emphasize [[monster]] character and personality is to look at the monster on whole. How do they get on screen and die? He's going to be on screen in a cool way, so we went to the the Thousand Pounder here. He's all bout about hell. He's summoned from it literally piece by piece. When he gets on screen we figured he should be made and big. Express anger. Part of his gameplay is that he gets really mad when he's almost dead. Throws a huge temper tantrum and this changes how he plays and how the player has to play against him. When he's enraged we changed how he looked; made his tattoos glow, gave him new attack animations and special effects. When he dies the animation is somewhat a reverse of how he came on screen. We did this to show of the whole idea that he's from hell.''
Notes from development of monster. Might have changed between games, or during Alpha/Beta/Release stages.
* How the unit evolved