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Diablo 3 Beta

13,700 bytes added, 12:24, 14 August 2008
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Blizzard has done closed betas with all of their past titles, so I'm sure D3 will be the same. They distribute copies to friends/family, media, fansites, others in the industry, etc, as well as fans from a signup form on They pick the public testers semi-randomly; it's not first come first serve, though you'd never know that from the hysteria that always breaks out when a signup page goes live.

They pick people in a variety of locations with a variety of machine specs and a variety of interest levels. They want testers on super fast machines, and on slower ones so they can find out how well it plays on a variety of systems. And they want rabid 16 hour a day fans, and more casual ones, since they'll get very different feedback from each type.

Their early betas were much smaller, back when they'd actually mail out CDs. (FedEx always seemed to come on Friday, the minute you were in the shower or out running errands, and you'd have to wait until Monday for redelivery.) Since War3 they've made their betas downloadable on torrents, but you have to have an valid key to play. They've used this to step up the betas over time, starting small and adding more users as early bugs and other issues are fixed. They've also taken to using their fansites to pass out cd-keys; our network WoW site had literally hundreds of cd-keys to pass out for the last WoW expansion beta. We'd obviously be happy to facilitate that sort of thing to you guys for the D3 beta, but it's way too early for any word from Blizzard on that front.

As for open betas, Blizzard ran one for D2. It was basically an online demo, with just the Barbarian and up through the Cold Plains, and anyone could download it and play if they had a valid key. (The closed beta was on a CD, and was all 5 chars and act one.) The goal was to test out's hosting capabilities, and again, the number of people was increased in stages, until there were tens of thousands of keys given out.

There's no telling if they'll have an open beta for D3, since such tests are used largely to test out hardware issues and issues, and they might feel they're on top of that after the SC beta, which should run next year, sometime before the D3 beta. They might run a D3 open beta/stress test anyway, just because they can, because the D3 client is very different than the SC2 client, because it's good publicity for their title, etc.

In any event, word about beta tests and test signups is sent out months in advance, so there's no need to worry about missing out if you're offline for a weekend.

Beta Test FAQ

from's wiki. modifying soon.

=What is a Beta test?=

A beta test is a way to put a game through a try-out prior to its release. A beta test will usually fully test stability, balance, system component incompatibilities, and so forth. Of course, we all know Blizzard's reputation for excellence and their careful attention to detail. With a beta test, Blizzard is able to retail a version that is much closer to perfection.

==What is the Alpha Test? ==

Blizzard are currently testing the Burning Crusade with a select group of friends and family. Once this testing is complete the Beta test will begin.

==What is a Closed Beta? ==

Unlike previous Beta tests where fans have been invited to sign-up, Blizzard do not intend to run a similar system for the BC. Instead attendees of BlizzCon can redeem their Beta pass codes and take part in the closes testing. There will also be other opportunities such as contest to win a key to take part.

==Will there be a World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Stress Test?==

This is unlikely as Blizzard now know the server infrastructure required to handle the userbase.

==Will the Beta cover all locations?==

From what we understand, if you have a Beta key you will be able to take part no matter where you are located.

==Is there an age limit for beta testers?==

The beta test usually does have an age limit in keeping with the game's anticipated ESRB rating.

==What about multiple sign ups?==

Blizzard has, in the past, limited the applications to "one per household." This means, of course, that spouses, siblings, or parent-child gaming partners cannot both receive a beta CD. The reason for this is clear - to halt fraudulent applications where someone submits the name of every family member in his household... and the name of every household pet, too.

==When will the Beta Test take place?==

We still do not know.

==How will I know when to sign up?==

If you have a Beta key you can now input your code direct and you will be notified via email when the Beta will begin along with instructions on how to take part.

==How long will the sign-up period last?==

No official word on this, although most likely the sign-up period will extend over at least a week of time. Remember that the sign ups for the beta are not based on how quickly you get your application in, so you can take your time and sign up at any time during the registration period.

==What will the minimum system requirements be for the Beta Test?==

The system requirements are likely to be the same as the original WoW.

==How many testers will there be?==

With over 6000 attending BlizzCon and numerous other sources of Beta keys we would expect about 10,000 to start. However Blizzard has not given figure.

==Who else will be included in the tester list?==

In addition to the public testers randomly selected from the sign ups, the test will also include members of the media, Fansite Program members, and friends and family of Blizzard employees.

==If I was a previous beta tester for Blizzard, will I have a better chance of being a tester this time?==

Only if you are already on the Blizzard's friends list.

==Is there a way to increase my chances of getting in the Closed Beta?==

Not really. You need to have an access key.

==How long after signing up will it take to learn if I made it?==

No way of telling. It used to take about a week to get the word out to those who made the beta, but it is likely to be longer for the Burning Crusade.

==How will I learn if I made the beta list?==

Winners of a beta spot will not be listed on the Blizzard site. Instead, they will each receive an e-mail telling them they have been selected.

==Will I have to pay for the Beta?==

Blizzard has never charged for players to Beta test their products.

==Will the Beta be downloadable?==

A new client will have to be downloaded once you have been notified you made the Beta test. The client is fairly large from what we understand, more than 1 Gb.

=During the Beta Test=

==What is the goal of the beta?==

It depends on what Blizzard wants to get out of it. At some point it will be to test the servers from a multitude of locations and through various Internet connections. Initially however, it will most likely be to test the game itself, with issues such as balance, skill effectiveness, and more. Testers will be given a better idea of the goals when the test sign ups begin.

==Who can use my beta? Can I let my <spouse>, <significant other>, <friend?> do some of the testing?==

Blizzard restrict one account per household usually so it is likely other members of your household can use your account. Be warned though, account sharing is never a great idea.

==What will I be asked to do in the Beta Test?==

Most likely, test the game for stability on the server and comment on game content. You will be asked to play the game as if it were in full release. If you have technical difficulties (system crashes, error messages, disconnects, objects appearing in strange places or characters moving or behaving strangely, etc.) you will file an error report with Blizzard. For comments you would like to make on game balance, you will be given an address to which you may e-mail them.

==Will the beta change as I participate?==

Often the beta will be patched, and you will learn if there has been a patch when you connect to the World Of Warcraft servers.

==How much of the whole game will be in the beta?==

Unknown at this time. However it will likely include all the new game features.

==Will I be able to talk about the beta test?==

Participating in the beta is a tremendous honor, and in return for that privilege, Blizzard will ask that you agree to a Beta Tester License Agreement.

There will be a on of legalese that basically allows Blizzard absolute control over all aspects of the game - descriptions, names, content, screenshots, and the lot. In theory, they could prohibit beta testers from disclosing anything, but in practice, Blizzard has historically taken a much kinder, gentler role and has allowed fansites to use screenshots and to write in great depth about the beta test in progress. There are limits, though, and Blizzard has the final call on what is and isn't allowed from its testers.

==Does Blizzard expect testers to play a certain number of hours?==

Giving up your life is not a requirement of the beta test. However, really only those who can devote a good chunk of time to the test should apply. The thrill of getting accepted for the beta shouldn't exceed or even equal the thrill of doing the beta. One criteria for a beta tester is patience, and the willingness to put up with temporary inconveniences (and no, we don't mean "no sleep, and no food" inconvenience :-) ) such as laggy gameplay, disconnects, and not becoming too attached to a character, simply because - all together now - it's a test!

=Post Beta=

==How long will the Beta Test last?==

However long you are told the Beta will last, you're probably best off doubling it. Blizzard like to take their time with tests, however, they do plan to release the expansion this year so this test may be shorter than previous Blizzard Beta tests.

==How will I know when the beta has ended? Will beta testers be given notice before the testing ends?==

Blizzard will issue an announcement - by e-mail to all testers and/or via their website. Testing usually ends when Blizzard announce the game has gone to manufacturing or 'Gone Gold'.

==What does it mean when a game "Goes Gold"?==

"This means that a Gold Master has been released to the CD plant for replication. Within a few days silver proof CDs are sent from the plant to our QA group were we do a final check to ensure that no anomalies have been inadvertently introduced into the CD or the code. When the silvers are approved, then the replicater starts pressing the CDs that are then shipped to our operations plant for insertion into the final box. Once the completed package comes off of the production line, it is shipped to stores." Blizzard General FAQ - January 2000

In other words, Gold means: All done, final, finished, completed, ready to print. We talked to the man who carried one of the Gold CD of StarCraft to the replication facility. When we asked if he had it in a locked briefcase, chained to his wrist, he laughed and said "No, but I admit, I was kind of nervous."

==How soon after the Beta closes will the game be on store shelves?==

Blizzard has been releasing games in a world wide fashion since Diablo II. This means that they wait until the game is on shelf stores all across the world before releasing the game. It usually takes a couple of weeks for the game to get through distribution and into the stores. That should finally be some good news for our friends down under who, due to how the international date line works, will see the release date before anyone else.

==Will I get a free game for being a beta tester? Are there any other rewards?==

No. Testers are the chosen, the few, the very, very lucky. To have the privilege of seeing the game before it is released, to have the chance to play a role in its finalization, is "reward" enough. For every tester who is able to participate, there are 30, or 50, or 250 other gamers who would like to do so. So for those of us who have tested, that is enough. And for those who sign up to test, that should be enough. Full stop.

==Do I get keep my beta character in the final release?==

Unlikely. You could not keep your characters following the last WoW Beta test.

==How do I get on any "Special Tester Lists?" Might I get invited back to test another time?==

There is really no way of telling how to accomplish this. Blizzard has certain individuals whom they seem to tap to test successive games, but for the most part, they go for a broad cross section of the gaming population, and then include the media, some fansite reps, and of course a list of "Friends of Blizzard" as well as family members. Perhaps just being the best tester you can possibly be will earn you a certain notice. Or maybe you'll just get your reward in heaven. :-)

==How do I make a good impression?==

A few qualities of an exceptional tester include: testing regularly and thoroughly, reporting each and every bug you find (don’t rely on your buddy to "send that one in"), providing all the requested details of the game and incident (date, time, location, whatever they ask you to provide) which will allow Blizzard to replicate the error in-house.

A good tester will go out of his/her way to test things, not just "play the game through and wait for a crash." Beta testers won't catch everything - hence all Blizzard games have been patched - but beta testers have been known to reveal, and in some cases solve, issues of balance, and bugs of uncountable numbers.

In addition, being polite and helpful in chat never hurts. Blizzard is in the beta chat nearly all the time, sometimes anonymously, and they do notice helpful, nice people.

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