Each type of Artisan can train to specialize in one (or more) types of items or crafting recipes. Jay Wilson spoke on this from Gamescom, in August 2010. [http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/jay-wilson-interview-indiablo.de-part-one/]::'''Jay Wilson: '''After you’ve maxed leveled your Artisan, you can specialize them in areas. They’re not exclusive, if you want to just make axes, you don't omit the ability to make swords or armor. Each path is its own time and resource commitment. And you can specialize in item types that you like the best. Another comment on the same issue: [http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/jay-wilson-interview-tweakers.net/]
::Moreover, you can specialise the three Artisans. The [[Blacksmith]], for instance, can specialise in the crafting of [[axes]]. Then you will mostly see axes lying at his stall. Those specialisations will not exclude other ways, however. If you are completely specialised in the crafting of axes, you can still try to make the Artisan learn another specialisation, by gathering the right recipes and resources.