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622 bytes added, 10:42, 22 August 2010
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A '''Stash''' is a Chest or Storing Place where a player can store items and gold. It is an Important function in the Diablo Franchise, since Item collecting is a big part of the game.
[[Jay Wilson]] confirmed at BlizzCon 2008 that we will see stashes, they will be bigger than in [[Diablo 2]] and they will also be able to grow later in the game. III []. In a recent interview [], Jay has revealed that the stash starts out small, but can be upgraded by the player (for an unknown cost), which ends up being huge, around 2/3's of the screen.
===Shared Stash===
There has also been talk of finally implementing a '''Shared Stash'''. Finding and collecting items is a big part of the Diablo franchise but storing and transferring those items has always been an issue. [[Jay Wilson]] spoke to this problem in BlizzCast Episode 5, August 2008. []
====2010 Update====
The system remained undeveloped nearly two years later, as Bashiok explained in a forum post in July 2010. []
::"No update, it’s something we hope to do, it’s not designed or in any sort of implementation phase so until we reach that point and either hit a revelation of it working or not we won’t know for sure. But yes, still hope to have some sort of easy way to share between characters. “Drop games are dumb.” - Bashiok"
*[ BlizzCon press conference]
*[ Jay Wilson interview with]
*[ BlizzCast episode 5 Transcript]
*[ Bashiok commenting on Shared Stash]