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242 bytes added, 10:53, 21 August 2010
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Fist weapons are [[Monk]]-specific items in Diablo 3. These weapons are used to enhance the Monk's melee punching attacks, and are reminiscent of the {{iw|Assassin Assassin}}'s {{iw|Assassin_Items claw weapons}} from Diablo 2. They can not cannot be equipped by other characters.
Nothing is yet known of their range or relative damage, but it seems safe to assume that they are strictly melee weapons, with little or no variety in range. Only 2 types of Fist Weapons have been seen, the Wrist Spade and the Fist Blade. Both of them seemed to have a "Life after kill" attribute, which could indicate it is a standard for all fist weapons. Although it could have been a coincidence.