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6 bytes added, 09:09, 19 August 2010
Artisans are basically vendors, they provide the same function other vendors provide but with unique abilities and a possibility to be upgrade over time. They can Buy and Sell Equipment, however, there are different types of Artisans, and each one has its own unique set of abilities. All Artisans can [[Crafting|Craft]] items for the player, provided they provide supplies and gold. Crafted items are standard, some are magic and some are rare magic items, But every crafted item has 1 or more random properties attached to it, that are finalized upon being crafted. Artisans will have recipes for crafting, but Unique recipes can be found in Sanctuary, from monsters and other sources.
Artisans are found throughout [[Sanctuary]], they will not help and are inaccesible to the player for free, the Player must earn until he earns their trust through quests. Once by completing a quest is complete, the or some other currently unknown way. Only then will an Artisan becomes usable by the playerbecome accesible.
==Types of Artisans==