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Siegebreaker Assault Beast

1 byte removed, 22:08, 10 August 2010
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[[Image:Mon-siegebreaker1.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Now he's a big one.]]
===Spells and Abilities===
* Swipe
==WWI Demo==
[[Image:Mon-siegebreaker1.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Now he's a big one.]]
Siegebreaker was the star monster in the WWI (June 2008) gameplay movie, and while Siegebreaker will be found in the final version of Diablo III, it's unlikely that the plot build up to his appearance, or the cemetery location for the final battle, will be present in the final game. The dungeon and other locations seen in the June 2008 WWI gameplay movie were created specially for that demo as part of Diablo III's debut, and are not necessarily indicative of the quests and events in the final game.