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1,792 bytes added, 02:27, 21 July 2010
created for my backstory in TDL
This is an ongoing fan fiction based in The Dark Library. It is about the library's current curator Kristof Williams and his assistant James Leordes.


This story is about the current Curator of the Justanian IV Library of Lore & Lost Antiquity also nicked named "the Dark Library" because of it's past and situations about it being haunted. The story starts out as the curator greets guests who come for visits to the library and get a tour of the place. There is much renovation and constriction going on. Scars from it's past that have gone in dis-repair over the years. The curator talks about it's known history and reads some previews of new chapters from current writers and tales from old lost books recovered and restored. There are also books he showcases that reveal lost cultures and myths of old demons and beasts. He had the old book rebound and retitled it: The Tome of Lost Cultures and Creatures of Sanctuary.

While he greets his guests on a regular basis he also scours the library's old forgotten and lost wings in search of the library's lost past and history. The only records currently kept have been since the failed attack from King Leoric and his armies. The rest has been said to have been burned or lost forever. But Kristof is a stubborn man and still thinks there is something down there and something more to this old library.

There must be a reason if the library is funded by the King of Westmarch himself and his family. But while Kristof is dealing with finding the library's past he is also learning more about other things. He had recieved a letter from an old acquaintance about some old artifact and needed Kristof to look in the library's old archives to see if anything could have been discovered about this object.

More to come...