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Diablo Loot Pinata

144 bytes added, 17:50, 17 June 2010
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Blizzard unveiled the The '''Diablo II Loot Pinata ''' was unveiled by [[Blizzard Entertainment|Blizzard]] as an [[April Fool's ]] joke in 2008.
Here's the official caption:
::The Diablo Loot Pinata provides the same fun and excitement as traditional pinatas while also letting longtime [[Diablo game|Diablo]] players relive their epic battles with the [[Prime Evil]]. In place of candy, the Loot Pinata’s adorable shell is stuffed with fully functional replicas of iconic Diablo items* and artifacts. Parents will be delighted to know that instead of the empty calories and sugar rushes yielded by typical pinatas, their kids will be getting additional exercise while they re-enact their favorite Diablo moments, such as the burning of [[Tristram ]] or the slaughter of the [[Zakarum ]] priesthood, all while using authentic weaponry from the game.
It's assumed that this was just a one-time joke, but who knows, something inspired by this might turn up in [[Diablo 3 ]] after all?
[[File:Merch-pinata.jpg|center|Full of treats!]]
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