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Fanmade:Bow and Throwing Skill Tree

184 bytes added, 11:04, 3 March 2010
Bomb Throw
Dragon Warriors live in Xiang - the equivalent of China and Japan. Chinese have invented explosives so it is normal for the Dragon Warriors to throw bombs. Equip the bombs in your inventory with a right click /like Spear throw/ and then use the skill button to throw the bomb. The warrior throws black spherical bombs, twice bigger than grenades, with a burning fuse and they explode when reaching the enemy. He throws them like in Baseball. There should be different types of bombs - normal bombs, frag bombs, fulminating bombs, oil bombs that ignite the victim and other. Each bomb bag should have 30 bombs in it, not more. But bombs will be really rare to find outside of Xiang, so every time you run out of them, you gonna have to come back to Xiang and buy some.
Adding points Also something funny about bombs - when the game weather conditions change to this skill will increase rain, the damage and Dragon Warrior '''cannot''' use bombs, because the explosion gets bigger, double and up to triplefuse can't be ignited.'''Muahahahaha!!!'''
Adding points to this skill will increase the damage and the explosion gets bigger, double and up to triple.
==Tears Of Silence==