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Demon Flyer

21 bytes added, 09:40, 13 February 2010
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[[File:Mon-pit-flyer-concept3.jpg|left|thumb|250px177px|Pit Flyer. Hatching?]]
The Pit Flyer is a monster known only from a piece of concept art. It has not been seen or confirmed in the game.
The Pit Flyer is (apparently) borne of a [[Pit Flyer Spawner]], an organic unit (plant?) something like {{iw|Blood_Hawk_Nests the Blood Hawk spawners nests}} seen in Diablo 2. Judging from the concept art, the Pit Flyer Spawner grows like a weed, and the Pit Flyer forms on it like some sort of bud or blossom, flapping forth to harass players who come into range.
Nothing is known of the size of the Pit Flyer or the Spawner, how fast new Pit Flyers are created, if the Spawner itself must be destroyed, etc.