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168 bytes added, 16:24, 5 February 2010
* '''A1, A2, A3, A4, A5''' - [[Act I]], [[Act II]], [[Act III]], [[Act IV]], [[Act V]] (In ''[[Diablo II]]'': {{iw|Act_I I}}, {{iw|Act_II II}}, {{iw|Act_III III}}, {{iw|Act_IV IV}}, {{iw|Act_V V}}){{d2}} {{d3}}
* '''abc/ddd''' - Used on [[]]: abc being the game name - ddd is the password
* '''AC''' - [[Armor Class]].{{d2}}
* '''afaic''' - As far as I'm concerned.
* '''afaics''' - As far as I can see.
* '''afaik''' - As far as I know
* '''afk''' - Away From keyboard
* '''Ali Baba''' - {{iw|Blade_of_Ali_Baba Blade of Ali Baba}} - Exceptional [[Unique]] Tulwar that gives [[MF]] and [[GF]] based on [[Clvl]].{{d2}}
* '''Alvl''' - [[Affix Level]] or [[Area Level]]
* '''Ama/Azn/zon''' - [[Amazon]].{{d2}}* '''Amp''' - {{iw|Amplify_Damage Amplify Damage}}. {{iw|Necromancer Necromancer}} curse to reduce enemies' [[resistance]] to [[physical]] damage. Also available as charges on some items.{{d2}}
* '''Amu/Ammy''' - [[Amulet]]
* '''Ancients''' - The Three [[Ancient]]s in ''[[Diablo II]]'s'' {{iw|Act_V Act 5}}.
* '''Andy''' - [[Andariel]]. ''[[Diablo II]]'' {{iw|Act_I Act 1}} [[superunique]] [[monster]].
* '''Anni''' - [[Annihilus]] (the one and only [[unique]] small {{iw|Charm charm}}){{d2}}
* '''AoD''' - [[Area of Denial]]. The usual effect of an [[AoE]] spell, since it causes players to move out of the affected area, in effect denying them that portion of the screen.
* '''AoE''' - [[Area of Effect]]. A spell that targets an large area, dealing damage (or benefits) to anything in the vicinity.
* '''AoKL''' - {{iw|Arm_of_King_Leoric Arm of King Leroic}} tomb wand.{{d2}}* '''AR''' - [[Attack Rating]].{{d2}}* '''Arach''' - {{iw|Arachnid_Mesh_Belt Arachnid Mesh Belt}}. [[Unique]] belt that gives +1 [[skill]]s.{{d2}}* '''Arkaine's/Ark''' - {{iw|Arkaine's_Valor Arkaine's Valor}} Elite Unique Balrog Skin.{{d1}}* '''Arreat's''' - {{iw|Arreat's_Face Arreat's Face}} Unique Slayer Guard.{{d2}}* '''AS''' - Arreat Summit, the [[Arreat Summit|level]]. or [[]]'s/[[Blizzard Entertainment|Blizzard's]] official website for ''[[Diablo II]]''at [[Blizzard Entertainment|Blizzard's]] site.{{d2}}
* '''ASAP''' - As soon as possible.
* '''Asn/asa/assy/sin''' - [[Assassin]].{{d2}}* '''Atlantean''' - {{iw|The_Atlantean_Exceptional The Atlantean Exceptional}} Unique Ancient Sword.{{d2}}
* '''ATM''' - At the Moment.
* '''ATMA''' - [[ATMA|'''A''' '''T'''enshi '''M'''uling '''A'''pplication]], which is a single player muling utility, that includes a very useful drop calculator.{{d2}}* '''Atma's''' - {{iw|Atma's_Scarab Atma's Scarab}} Unique Amulet.{{d2}}* '''AW''' - The {{iw|Ancients'_Way Ancients' Way}} [[level]] in ''[[Diablo II]]'' {{iw|Act_V Act 5}}.  {{d2}}