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* '''GA''' - Guided Arrow.* '''Gaze''' - Vampiregaze Exceptional Unique Grim Helm.* '''GC''' - Grand Charm.
* '''Geddon''' - Armageddon. A Druid Elemental Tree skill.
* '''GF''' - Grandfather (sword).* '''gfi''' - Go for it.
* '''gg''' - good game. Standard response to your opponent after a PvP duel. Can also mean "good gear."
* '''Gheed's''' - Gheed's Fortune Unique Grand Charm.
* '''Gj''' -- Good job.
* '''Gl''' -- Good luck.
* '''Gull''' - Gull Unique Dagger.
* '''GW''' - Grim Ward. A Barbarian War Cry Skill.
* '''L''' - Ladder. (Usually seen in trade Forums).
* '''l337''' - Elite.
* LA - Leap Attack.
* '''LD''' - (LDam, LDmg) - Lightning damage.
* '''LE''' - Lightning Enchanted.
* '''Leeching ''' LEB - Gaining experience by standing around and letting others fight (rather than actually playing the game)Lightning enchanted boss.* '''Leech''' - (noun) One who leeches. (Experience or items from other, more active players. Usually a derogatory term.)
* '''Leech''' - (verb) Life or Mana steal.
* '''Leeching ''' - Gaining experience by standing around and letting others fight (rather than actually playing the game). * '''legit''' - legitimate item, not a dupe.* '''LEM''' - Lightning Enchanted monster.* '''LF''' - Lightning Fury. A skill on the Amazon Javelin and Spear tree.* '''LHC''' - [[ladder]] hard core.* '''LI''' - Lightning immune.* '''Lid D (Little D)''' - Duriel. A Super Unique in Act 2.* '''Lidless''' - Lidless Wall Exceptional Unique Grim Shield.* '''Lightsabre''' - Lightsabre Elite Unique Phase Blade.* '''lit''' - Leg in town. [[Wirt's leg]] has been retrieved and is in town, available for any character who can use it to create a red portal to the [[secret cow level]].* '''LK''' - Lower Kurast. Good for gems/skillers and runes.
* '''LL''' - Life Leech.
* '''LLD''' - Low level dueling. [[PvP]] dueling characters at a pre-set level to limit their equipment choices and skill options.
* '''LM''' - Lightning Mastery. Sorceress Lightning Tree skill.* '''lmao''' - laughing my rear ass off.
* '''LoD''' - Lord of Destruction. The Diablo II expansion. Also referred to as D2X.
* '''LoH''' - Laying of Hands Disciple Set Bramble Mitts.* '''LOL''' - Laughs out loud.
* '''[[LotL]]''' - Live off the Land. A play style in which characters use only items they find themselves.
* '''LR''' - Lower Resist. Necro curse to reduce enemies' Cold/Fire/Lightning /Poison resistance.* '''LR''' - Lightning resistance.* '''LS''' - Lightning Strike. A skill on the Amazon Javelin and Spear tree.
* '''LS''' - [[Locust Swarm]], a Witch Doctor skill from the [[Plague Skill Tree]].
* '''LSC''' - ladder soft core.* '''LTB''' - Looking to Buy.* '''LTT''' - Looking To Trade.* '''Lvl''' - Level.* '''Lyc''' - Lycander's Aim Unique Ceremonial Bow.
* '''MA''' - Martial Arts. Usually a description for an Assassin type of build, or reference to one of the Assassin skill trees.
* '''Manald''' - Manald Heal Unique Ring.
* '''Mara's''' - Mara's Kaleidoscope Unique Amulet.
* '''Mat''' - Matriarchal bow.
* '''Mav's''' _______ - Piece of M'avina's Battle Hymn set. Made for the Amazon.
* '''Max''' - Maximum.
* '''MB''' - Mana Burn.
* '''MB - Mind Blast. An Assassin Shadow Disciplines Skill.
* '''MB''' - Molten Boulder. A Druid Elemental tree skill.
* '''MD''' (MDam, MDmg) - Magic Damage.
* '''Meph''' - Mephisto. Act 3 super unique monster.
* '''Merc''' - Mercenary.
* '''MF''' - Magic Find.
* '''MFSC/SMFC''' - Magicfind Small Charm/Small Magicfind Charm.
* '''MI''' - Magic Immune.
* '''MiC''' - Meet in Channel (also MiP).
* '''Min''' - Minimum.
* '''ML''' - Mana Leech
* '''MLD''' - Mid Level Duel. Characters used for dueling at a set maximum level to limit their skill and equipment use. See also vLLD and LLD.
* '''mlvl''' - Monster Level.
* '''MM''' - [[Magic Missile]], a Wizard skill from the [[Arcane Skill Tree]].
* '''Mod''' - Modifier. Adds a characteristic to an item such as a weapon or charm.
* '''Mod''' - Moderator. A member responsible for moderating a forum or channel.
* '''Mod''' - Modified game version of Diablo 2. (allowing varied game play of an old favorite)
* '''Moron''' - Mercernary
* '''Moser's''' - Moser's Blessed Circle Exceptional Unique Round Shield
* '''MP''' - Multi-Player.
* '''MP''' - Mana Points.
* '''MPK''' - Mana per kill
* '''MR''' - Magic Resistant.
* '''MS''' - Multiple Shot. An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow tree.
* '''MS''' - Multi -Shot. A mod available to boss monsters.
* '''msg''' - message.
* '''MSLE (MSLEB)''' - Multi -Shot Lightning Enchanted.
* '''Mules''' - characters used to store extra items
* '''Muling''' - moving items from one character to another for storage or onto a character to be used. Either mules or ATMA (D2 single player only).
==MN==* '''MaxN00b''' -- MaximumNewb. Nub. Newbie. Newcomer to the game. (generally used as an insult).* '''MDNat's'' -- Also '_______''MDam''' or '''MDmg''- Piece of Natalya's Odium set. Magic DamageMade for the Assassin.* '''Mercnbd''' -- MercenaryNo big deal.* '''MFNDE''' -- Magic FindNear Death Experience (when a character JUST manages to escape a very dangerous situation).* '''MINecro''' -- Magic ImmuneNecromancer.* '''MiCNerf''' -- Meet Generally refers to spells or weapons that have their effectiveness reduced in Channel (also MiPa patch.* '''MinNewb''' -- MinimumNewbie. Newcomer to the game. (often used as an insult).* '''MLNG''' -- Mana LeechNew Game/Next Game.* '''MLDnking''' -- Mid Level Duelnaked killng. Characters used for dueling at a set maximum level to limit IE killing someone retrieving their skill and equipment use. See also vLLD and LLDbody.* '''mlvl''' -- Monster Level.* '''MMNL''' -non - ladder (also NLSC, NLHC [[Magic Missile]]see HC, a Wizard skill from the [[Arcane Skill Tree]SC#2]).* '''ModNM''' -- ModifierNightmare. Adds a characteristic to an item such as a weapon or charmThe second level of difficulty in Diablo 1 and 2.* '''ModNm (nvm)''' -- Moderator. A member responsible for moderating a forum or channelNever mind.* '''ModNorm''' -- Modified game version Normal. Usually refers to the first level of difficulty in Diablo 2II. (allowing varied game play of an old favorite)* '''MoronNo -Twink (Untwinked)''' -No- Mercernarytwink groups and players use and equip only what they find specifically with that character, rather than bringing in items found by others.* '''MPNP''' -- Market Place. Trading site for D2 at market.diabloii.netNo Problem.* '''MP''' [[NPC]] -- Multi Non-PlayerCharacter.* '''MPNR''' -- Mana PointsNatural Resistance. A Barbarian mastery to increase resistance to magic damage.* '''MPKNr=Nt''' -- Mana per killNo Response means No Thanks.* '''MRNRG''' -- Magic ResistantEnergy.* '''msgNTC''' -- messageNo Title Char for acquiring SoJs in classic CS.* '''MulesNTPP''' -- characters used to store extra items* '''Muling''' -- moving items from one character to another New Traders Probationary Period. See SPTF Rules for storage or onto a character to be useddetails. Either mules or ATMA (D2 single player only)
* '''Oak''' - Oak Sage. A Druid summoning skill.* '''Oks''' - Oblivion Knights (also "OK").* '''Occy (Occu)''' - The Oculus Unique Swirling Crystal.* '''OK''' - Oblivion Knight.* '''OMG ''' - Oh my god.* '''Open ''' - Open [[Battle.net]]. Online play with characters saved on your computer. D2 Diablo 2 only.* '''orb''' - frozen orb.* '''orgset''' - organ set.* '''os ''' - open socket.* '''OT ''' - Off Topic.* '''OTF ''' - Off-Topic Forum.* '''OTOH ''' - On the other hand.* '''OTOH''' - On the other hand.* '''OW''' - open wounds (more used than 'wounds').
* '''PA''' - perfect amethist* '''Pally''' - Paladin* '''Pand''' - Pandemonium Fortress.* '''Parked/parking ''' - having a monster follow you to a certain point and then runing away fast enough to leave it there* '''PC''' - Price Check. This means they want to know how much something is worth.* '''P/B''' - Necromancer's Poison and Bone skill tree.* '''PB''' -phase blade* '''PC ''' - Poison Creeper. A Druid Summoning Tree skill.* '''PC''' - Price Check. This means they want to know how much something is worth.* '''Pcombat/Pcomb/PC Skiller''' - Paladin combat skill charm.* '''PD (PDagger)''' - Poison Dagger. A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.* '''PD (PDam, PDmg) ''' - Poison Damage.* '''PDR ''' - Physical Damage Reduction.* '''pdsc''' - Poison damage small charm.* '''PE''' - Poison Explosion. A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.* '''perm '' - a FAKE way of making a duped item not poof. They don't work, don't ask* '''perm a game: '''- holding a game open for five minutes so it says there when you leave. Often used for muling.* '''PG (PGems)''' - Perfect Gems* '''PH''' - Psychic Hammer. An Assassin skill on the Shadow Disciplines Tree.* '''pi ''' - physical or poison immune* '''Pindle''' - Pindle the monster accessible through the Portal next to Anya in Act 5* '''Pits''' - Pit in Tamae Highliand in Act 1. Start from Outer Cloister and follow the road.* '''PJ (PlJ''') - Plague Javelin. An Amazon skill on the Javelin and Spear skill tree.* '''[[PK]] ''' - [[Player killing]]. Usually associated with ambushing players to kill them. A form of [[PvP]] not to be confused with [[dueling]].* '''PKK ''' - Player Killer Killer. A player who kills player killers.* '''PMH ''' - Prevent Monster Heal.* '''PN(ova)''' - Poison Nova. A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.* '''poof ''' - have an item disappear.* '''Porter''' - Teleporting Boss.* '''Pots ''' - Potions.* '''PP ''' - Party please.* pr '''PR''' - poison resistPerfect ruby.* '''PR (PRes, PsnRes) ''' - Poison resistance.* '''[[Proc]] ''' - "Process"/"Special Procedure. Means chance of a [[skill]] or [[item]] effect to be activated under certain circumstances. * '''PS''' - Phoenix Strike.* '''PS''' - Perfect Skull.* '''PSa''' - perfect sapphire .* '''Psn ''' - Poison.* '''PT''' - perfect topaz.* '''Purist ''' - Characters who only use items they found themselves. No trading, transfering of items from other characters, or Magic Finding.* '''[[PvE]] ''' - Player versus Environment. Also PvM.* '''[[PvM]] ''' - Player versus Monster. Also PvE.* '''[[PvP]] ''' - Player v Player combat. Dueling. Not to be confused with [[PK]]ing.* '''PW ''' - Password.
* QFT - quoted for truth; what s/he said is correct.* qlvl - quality level.
* '''r ''' - Ready. This is the standard signal among players in a group before triggering a monster urn/shrine or entering a particularly treacherous area.* '''R/W ''' - Run Walk* '''read ''' - usually in trade games. e.g., "UM 4 read" means for details read the description* '''Reaver (Messy Reaver)''' - Messerschmidt's Reaver Elite Unique Champion Axe.* '''Rec ''' - Recovery.* '''Regen ''' - Regeneration.* '''Rejuv ''' - Rejuvenation Potion.* '''Req ''' - Requirement.* '''Res ''' - Resistance.* '''rl ''' - Real life (the messy and often unpleasant world found away from the computer screen).* '''Rlvl ''' - Required Level.* '''RMT ''' - [[Real Money Trading]].* '''RoF''' - River of Flame in Act 4.* '''ROFL ''' - Rolling on the floor laughing.* '''RRM''' - Red Rune Mod - Single Player utility that turns runes read.* '''RS''' - Raise Skeleton. A Necromancer summoning skill.* '''RtM ''' - Read the Manual.* '''run ''' - to repeatedly kill monsters in a certain area or a boss in an effort to find items. (Usually done with [[magic find]].* '''Rush - Also turbo. To use a high level character to assist a lower level character(s) in moving quickly through the game.* '''Rushing''' - A low level character getting pushed through levels of the game by a much higher level character, where the lower character could not play effectively alone.* '''RWM''' - Rune Word Mod - Single Player utility that enables Realm only runeword.