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1,693 bytes added, 00:53, 5 February 2010
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* '''i.e.''' -- That is, for example. (''id est'' in Latin).
* IAS - Increased Attack Speed/Initial Attack Speed.
* IB - Ice Blast. An attack skill on the Sorceress' Cold Tree.
* IBS - Invisible Bone Spirit. Bone spirit no longer becomes visible if off screen. Hazard in duels. Contact your local Necro for more details.
* '''ID''' -- Identify.
* IG - Iron Golem.
* '''IIRC''' -- If I recall correctly.
* IK _______ - Piece of Immortal King's Set. Made for Barbarians.
* IK Maul - Immortal King's Stone Crusher Set Ogre Maul.* '''Ilvl''' -- Item Level.
* IM - Iron Maiden. A Necromancer Curse.
* '''IMHO''' -- In my humble/honest opinion.
* Immo - Immolation Arrow. An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow tree.
* '''IMO''' -- In my opinion.* '''Ind''' -- Indestructible.* '''Inv''' -- Inventory.
* Ire - Skullder's Ire Exceptional Unique Russet Armor.
* '''[[Ironman]]''' -- A [[LotL]]-related play style that does not allow characters to return to town or interact with NPCs in anyway, other than as required to complete quests.
* IS - Iron Skin. A Barbarian mastery to increase defense.
* '''ISO''' -- in search of.* ITD - Ignore Target's Defense.
* Izzy - Izual. Act 4 super unique monster.
* '''j/k''' -- Just kidding.
* Jalal's - Jalal's Mane Unique Totemic Mask.
* '''Jugg''' or '''Juggs''' or '''Juggz''' or '''Jugger''' -- The [[Barbarian]]'s [[Juggernaut Skill Tree]], or a Barbarian who specializes in that tree.
* '''k ''' - Okay.* '''kk ''' - ok.* '''KA ''' - Kick ass (very good).* '''KB ''' - Knockback.  
* '''L''' -- Ladder. (Usually seen in trade Forums)* '''l337''' -Elite.* LA - Leap Attack.* LC - Large Charm.* LCS - Elite[[Lying Character Screen]]. When the Character screen shows you incorrect statistics.* '''LD''' -- (LDam, LDmg) - Lightning damage.* '''LE''' -- Lightning Enchanted.* '''Leeching ''' -- Gaining experience by standing around and letting others fight (rather than actually playing the game)* '''Leech''' -- (noun) One who leeches. (Experience or items from other, more active players. Usually a derogatory term.)* '''Leech''' -- (verb) Life or Mana steal.* '''legit''' -- legitimate item, not a dupe* '''LHC''' -- [[ladder]] hard core* '''LI''' -- Lightning immune* '''LL''' -- Life Leech.* '''LL''' -- The [ Lurker Lounge]. A website dedicated to Diablo statistics, game-mechanics and in-depth analysis.* '''LLD''' -- Low level dueling. [[PvP]] dueling characters at a pre-set level to limit their equipment choices and skill options.* '''lmao''' -- laughing my rear off* '''LoD''' -- Lord of Destruction. The Diablo II expansion. Also referred to as D2X.* '''LOL''' -- Laughs out loud* '''[[LotL]]''' -- Live off the Land. A play style in which characters use only items they find themselves.* '''LR''' -- Lightning resistance* '''LS''' -- [[Locust Swarm]], a Witch Doctor skill from the [[Plague Skill Tree]].* '''LSC''' -- ladder soft core* '''LTB''' -- Looking to Buy* '''LTT''' -- Looking To Trade* '''Lvl''' -Level * LEB - Lightning enchanted boss* Leech - Life or Mana steal.* legit - legitimate item, not a dupe* LEM - Lightning Enchanted monster* LF - Lightning Fury. A skill on the Amazon Javelin and Spear tree* LHC - ladder hard core* LI - Lightning immune* Lid D (Little D) - Duriel. A Super Unique in Act 2.* Lidless - Lidless Wall Exceptional Unique Grim Shield* Lightsabre - Lightsabre Elite Unique Phase Blade* lit - Leg in town. [[Wirt's leg]] has been retrieved and is in town, available for any character who can use it to create a red portal to the [[secret cow level]].* LK - Lower Kurast. Good for gems/skillers and runes.* LL - Life Leech.* LL - The [ Lurker Lounge]. A website dedicated to Diablo statistics, game-mechanics and in-depth analysis.* LLD - Low level dueling. Dueling characters at a pre-set level to limit their equipment choices and skill options. Common levels are 9, 18, and 30. See also vLLD and MLD.* LM - Lightning Mastery. Sorceress Lightning Tree skill.* lmao - laughing my rear off* LoD - Lord of Destruction. The Diablo II expansion.* LoH - Laying of Hands Disciple Set Bramble Mitts* LOL - Laughs out loud* LR - Lower Resist. Necro curse to reduce enemies' Cold/Fire/Lightning/Poison resistance.* LR - Lightning resistance* LS - Lightning Strike. A skill on the Amazon Javelin and Spear tree* LSC - ladder soft core* LTB - Looking to Buy* LTT - Looking To Trade* Lvl - Level* Lyc - Lycander's Aim Unique Ceremonial Bow