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711 bytes added, 12:16, 18 January 2010
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Abd also mentions the Vizjerei, and their false studies on demons, which they made just because they wanted to lessen their blame in brining about the Mage Clan Wars in the first place.
In this case, the old lore was replaced by new one, by making the old one "[[flavour lore"]].
==List of Known Retcons==
First note here that many of these entries can be explained by [[flavour lore]], and are ''in effect'' not retcons. None the less, these facts were once part of the story, and is now no longer so. That makes them retcons, regardless if they ended up as flavour lore or not.
* All [[Hellfire]] events described in [[Diablo I: Hellfire Manual]] are retconned in in such way it never happened.
* King [[Leoric]] was originally a "northern lord", but with [[Cain's Journal]], he became an "eastern lord".
{{stub|more facts needs to be added}}
* [[Cain's Journal]]
* [[Timeline]]
* [[Diablo I Manual]]
* [[Diablo II Manual]]
* [[Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Manual]]